There is a fantastic deal running on Post Great Grains Cereal at Walgreens this week! Not only is it included in the 2 for $5 sale, but there is also a Register Reward and a nice coupon to stack! Here is your scenario:
Buy (4) Post Great Grains Cereal 2/$5
-(4) $1 Post Great Grains Coupons [2]
-$3 Register Reward
=.75 each!
These may not be marked on sale in the store, so make sure to ask for a price check. Also, if your store is low on stock of this type of Post cereal you can also use the $1/2 Post coupon found in the 11/6 SS insert to give yourself a few more options.
Make sure to also check out the rest of this week’s Walgreens deals [3].
(Thanks Wild for Wags [4] for the deal and photo!)