I cannot tell you how many requests that I receive for target prices on Toilet Paper, Paper Towels and Diapers. If you happen to be one of the readers who have asked, you might know that I’m very cautious about providing target prices for these three products.
The reason is that the target price is going to vary a lot based on your preferences such as the ply of the toilet paper or paper towels, if you are brand loyal, and the size and type of diapers you are purchasing. Another very important factor is how much you already have on hand and how badly you need the product. For example, if you already have three big packs of toilet paper in your stockpile, your “A” price on TP might be a lot lower than someone who doesn’t have any on hand.
So with all that said, I’d love for us to share our target prices for these three products! Hopefully this will help to give some of you at least a point of reference to work from. Please be sure to include if you are brand loyal and what type/size you are currently purchasing!
Amy W says
I’m with Kairi, my best price is $10 for 24 double rolls (=48 regular rolls) for thick (Charmin and Cottonelle) toilet paper, and I have even had some trouble finding that over the pst 6 months.
Kairi, you might want to stop by Target this week for the Charmin scenario on the 12+4 mega rolls (=64 regular rolls) for $8.99 (if you have the coupons listed). I only had the $0.25 coupon, but it’s still a good deal (for us) at $10.49 even if you don’t have a coupon and just get the gift card.
Amy says
I have 4 kids in diapers and/or pull-ups/goodnites, so I’m obsessed with good deals on these. When I first started couponing, I would purchase the jumbo packs whenever they hit less than $5. But as my stock-pile grew, my standard became less than $4. Now that my stock-pile is starting to deplete (due to it being difficult to find them for less than $4), I’m going to have to go back up to the $5 standard. I confess though, I’ve had a couple desperate occasions when I’ve paid over $6 for the Goodnites. Those days make me feel sick, but I just remind myself that before I was couponing, I’d just pay the full $10- so I’m still saving money!
Kairi says
My target price is probably high compared to other people’s, but I like to get thick toilet paper so you don’t have to use twice as much. Also, we don’t have a stockpile (because I’ve never found a deal I was happy with and I only get 2 papers) so I’m constantly buying toilet paper when we’re out. All that said, my price is $5 for 12 double rolls=24 rolls. I know, kind of high but seriously, I’ve never found anything better.
Susan says
Would love to find some good coupons for paper products (toilet paper, paper towels). Need to stock up. Has anyone seen any coupons or great deals lately?
Jessica says
For me: I like to get diapers for 10 cents a piece, but as your child gets older this becomes harder and harder, so I shoot for 15 cents.
For paper towels: I have a huge stock, so I only buy if it’s 25 cents/roll or less.
For toilet paper: I can’t remember where I heard this tip, but it has served me well. If you look at a package of toilet paper it will say how many square feet are in the package. Move the decimal place over to the left two places and that will be an average price for that pack. Shoot for lower than that price. For example, if your package says 235 square feet, you’ll want to get that package for less than 2.35 for it to be a good deal.