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Safeway Weekly Ad Deals 12/19-12/25!

Here are your Safeway Weekly Ad deals that begin on December 19th and run through December 25th.

Please share in the comments section if you come across any other deals or if you have any questions.

New to Bargain Blessings? Check-out our Grocery Store Deal Grading System [1]…and Welcome!

The scenarios below are based on double coupons. Be sure to check with your individual store for their double coupon policy.


Safeway Smoked Shank Half Ham, Bone-in .99/lb A-

Safeway Spiral Slice Half Ham, Bone-in $1.69/lb B

Rancher’s Reserve Beef Loin Strip Roast, Boneless $5.99/lb C-

Rancher’s Reserve Beef Ribeye Roast, Bone-in $6.49/lb D+

Rancher’s Reserve Beef Ribeye Roast, Boneless $6.99/lb D+

Rancher’s Reserve Beef Top Sirloin Steak, Boneless $4.99/lb  D

Rancher’s Reserve Beef Chuck Cross Rib Roast, Chuck Pot Roast, and Bottom Round Roast, Boneless $3.49/lb D+

Whole Pork Loin Roast, Boneless $2.49/lb C+

Safeway Select Fresh Turkey 8-24lbs $1.49/lb C+

Extra Jumbo Raw Shrimp 16-20ct $6.99/lb C-

Sea Catch Medium Raw Shrimp 41-50ct $5/lb (Friday Only) C+

Farmland Bacon 9.6-16oz Buy One, Get One Free
-$1 MQ (3/11 RP)

Smithfield Bacon 16oz Buy One, Get One Free
-$1 MQ (10/7 SS or 11/11 SS) or $1/2 MQ (12/2 SS)

Jennie-O Turkey Bacon 12oz $2.50 B-

Farmer John Bacon 24oz $5 (Friday Only) C


Cuties Clementines 5lb Box $4.99
-.50 MQ (12/2 SS)
=$3.99 B+

Navel Oranges 8lb Bag $5 (Friday Only) C+

Del Monte Gold Whole Pineapples $1.99 each
-.50 Del Monte Gold Pineapple Facebook Coupon [2] (“like” them)
=.99 each A

Blackberries 6oz $2.99 D

Gala, Granny Smith or Braeburn Apples $1.49/lb D+

Pomegranates $2.50 each C-

Fresh Express or Safeway Farms Salad Blends 4.75-12oz $2.50 C-

GreenLine Green Beans 12oz $2.50 D-

Safeway Farms Baby Carrots 2lb Bag $2.50 C

HotHouse Tomatoes $1.99/lb F

Radish Bunch .50 each C

Green Onion Bunch .50 each B-

Yellow Onions .99/lb D

Orange or Red Skinned Yams .99/lb C

Russet Potatoes .99/lb F

Broccoli Crowns $1.49/lb D-

Cauliflower $1.49/lb D

Cucumbers .79 each D-

Avocados $1.25 each D+


Refreshe Water 24pk, 16.9oz Bottles $3.34 D+

Folgers Coffee 27.8-33.9oz $7.99
-$1/2 MQ (11/4 RP) *regional value or $1/2 MQ (12/2 RP) *if gourmet selections is included in this sale
=$7.49 each wyb 2 D

Wish-Bone Salad Dressing 16oz $1.50 C+

Tropicana Pure Premium or Trop50Juice 59oz $2.88 C

Nabisco Snack Crackers 5.5-10oz or Toasted Chips 8.1oz $1.88
-$1/2 Nabisco Cracker Coupon [3] (use zip code 85254 or zip code 77477) or $1/2 MQ (11/11 SS) *regional value
=$1.38 each wyb 2 B

Safeway Kitchens Variety Bread 24oz $1.99 B

Progresso Rich and Hearty Soup 18.5-19oz $1.34
-$1/4 MQ (11/11 SS or 12/9 SS)
=$1.09 each wyb 4 C+

Coca-Cola, Pepsi or 7-Up 12pk, 12oz Cans Buy Two at $12.58, Get Two Free wyb 4
=$3.15 each wyb 4 C-

King’s Hawaiian Rolls 12ct $2.50 D+

Arrowhead Water 24pk, 16.9oz $3.99
-$1/2 MQ (12/9 RP) *regional coupon
=$3.49 each wyb 2 C

Nabisco Ritz Crackers or Crackerfuls 6-15.1oz $1.99
-.75 Ritz Crackerfuls Coupon [4] or .75 Ritz Crackerfuls Coupon [3] (use zip code 77477) or -$1/2 Nabisco Cracker Coupon [3] (use zip code 85254 or zip code 77477) or $1/2 MQ (11/11 SS) *regional value
=.99 at best for Crackerfuls or $1.49 each wyb 2 for Ritz A- for Crackerfuls of B for Ritz

Mission Tortilla Chips 20oz Buy One at $4.39, Get One Free
=$2.20 each C+

7-Up 2 Liter .88 C+

LU Coookies 4..41-5.29oz $2.50 D

Kettle Chips 8-8.5oz $2.50
-.50 Kettle Brand Potato Chip Coupon [5] or HERE [4]
=$1.50 B

Refreshe Flavored Sparkling Water 1 Liter .85 C

Nabisco Go-Paks 3.25-4oz $1 B

SoBe Tea or Lifewater 20oz $1 C+

Vitaminwater 20oz $1 C+

Coca-Cola or Pepsi 2 Liter $1.25 wyb 4 C

Hansen’s 8pk, 12oz Cans $3.49 D

O Organics Italian Soda 1 Liter $2.50 D

Quaker Cookies  8.8oz $2
-$1/2 Quaker Coupon [6] or $1/2 MQ found in the October, 2012 or January, 2013 Issue of All You Magazine
=$1.50 each wyb 2 C

Safeway Select Danish Butter Cookies 12oz $2.99 D

Planters Mixed Nuts or Cashews 8.25-8.75oz $5.49
-$1/2 Planters Nut Coupon [3] (use zip code 77477) or HERE [4] or $1/2 MQ (11/11 SS or 12/2 SS)
=$4.99 each wyb 2 D

Planters Peanuts 16oz $2.89 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-$1/2 Planters Nut Coupon [3] (use zip code 77477) or HERE [4] or $1/2 MQ (11/11 SS or 12/2 SS)
=$2.39 each wyb 2 D+

Powerade 32oz .88 wyb 4 C

Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocktail Drinks 64oz $2 C

Vlasic Pickles 24oz Buy One at $3.99, Get One Free
=$2 each C+

Safeway Select Chunky Salsa 16oz Buy One at $2.49, Get One Free
=$1.25 each B

Mrs. Cubbison’s Stuffing 10-12oz $1
-.75/2 MQ (11/11 SS)
=.50 each wyb 2 A

Stove Top Stuffing Mix 6oz $1.50
-$1/2 MQ (12/9 SS)
=$1 each wyb 2 B-

Gina Rispoli Pasta Sauce 25oz Buy One at $5.99, Get One Free
=$3 each C-

Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom or Cream of Chicken Soup 10.75oz $1.09
-.40/3 MQ (12/2 SS) *regional value
=.82 each wyb 3 C

Betty Crocker Specialty Potatoes 4.6-6.6oz $1.49
-$1/4 MQ (12/9 SS) *regional value
=$1.24 each wyb 4 C+

Swanson Broth 14.5oz .88
-.40/5 MQ (11/4 SS) *regional value
=.72 each wyb 5 C

Nestle Morsels 10-12oz $2.50
-.50/2 Nestle Morsels Coupon [7] (sign-up required) or $1/3 MQ (11/4 SS) *regional value
=$2 each at best wyb 2 B

Nestle Morsels 10-12oz or C&H Sugar 4lb Bag $1.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 3)
-.50/2 Nestle Morsels Coupon [7] (sign-up required) or $1/3 MQ (11/4 SS) *regional value or -.75/2 MQ found in the December Issue of All You Magazine
=$1.49 each at best wyb 2 A-

Gold Medal Flour 5lb Bag $2.29
-.25 Gold Medal Flour Facebook Coupon [8] (“like” them)
=$1.79 B+

C&H Brown or Powdered Sugar 2lb $2.49C-

Carnation Evaporated Milk 12oz $1.50
-.50/2 Carnation Evaporated Milk Coupon [7] (sign-up required) or .50/2 MQ (9/30 RP)
=$1 each wyb 2 C

Betty Crocker Frosting 12-16oz $1.67

McCormick Gourmet or Morton and Bassett Spices .01-2.75oz Buy Two, Get One Free
-$1/2 McCormick MQ (12/2 RP) *regional value

Crisco Cooking Oil 48oz $3.99 D

Pillsbury Quick Bread 14-17.4oz $1.79
-.35 MQ (11/4 RP) *regional value

Celestial Seasonings Tea 18-20ct $2.50
-$1 MQ (10/7 SS) or $1/2 MQ (11/4 SS or 12/9 SS) *regional value
=$1.50 at best B

Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider 25.4oz $2.50 D

Twinings Tea K-Cups 12ct $5.99 D+

Folgers Fresh Breaks 8ct $3.49
-.50 MQ found in the September Issue of All You Magazine (if these are the same item)

Green Mountain K-Cups 12ct $6.99
-$1 Green Mountain Hot Apple Cider K-Cups Coupon [9] or $1 Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups Coupon [10] or $1 Green Mountain Hazelnut Ice Coffee K-Cups [11] or .75/2 MQ (12/9 SS)
=$5.99 at best D+

Star Olive Oil 25oz Buy One, Get One Free

Kellogg’s Pop Tarts 8ct $1.88
-$1/2 Kellogg’s Pop Tart Coupon [12] (sign-up and points required) or $1/3 Kellogg’s Pop Tarts Coupon [4] or $1/3 MQ (12/2 RP)
=$1.38 each at best wyb 2 C

Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides  4-5.8oz $1
-.50/2 Knorr Rice or Pasta Side Coupon [13]
=.50 each wyb 2 A-

Safeway Mandarin Oranges 11oz $1 C

Safeway Select Dipping Sauces 14.2-16.1oz $2.50 D

American Beauty Pasta 16oz $1 C

Safeway Broth 14oz .50 C+

 M&M’s Holiday Chocolate Bags 9.9-12.6oz $3.50
-$1 Mars Holiday Bags Coupon [14] or HERE [4] or $1/2 MQ (11/11 RP or 12/2 RP)
=$2.50 at best C-

Hershey’s Holiday Kisses 10-11oz $4
-$2/2 Hershey’s Kisses Coupon [15] or $1.50/2 MQ (12/9 SS) or $1.10/2 Hershey’s Holiday Bag Coupon [16] or HERE [4]
=$3 each at best wyb 2 C-

Gerber Organic Baby Food Pouches 3.5oz $1.50 C-

Pillsbury Crescent or Cinnamon Rolls 8-13.9oz $1.49 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-.50/2 Pillsbury Crescent Coupon [17] (sign-up required) or HERE [18] or .40/3 Pillsbury Crescent Roll Coupon [19] or .40/3 Crescent MQ (12/2 or 12/9 SS) *regional value or .50 Cinnamon MQ (12/9 SS) *regional value or .50/2 Pillsbury Sweet Roll Coupon [17] (sign-up required) or HERE [18] or .40/2 Cinnamon MQ (11/18 SS or 12/9 SS) *regional value
=.49 at best for Cinnamon Rolls or .99 each at best wyb 2 for Crescent A-

Betty Crocker Cookie Pouches or Supreme Brownie Mix 14-19.1oz $1.79 with in-ad coupon (Limit 3)
-.60 Betty Crocker Cookie Mix Coupon [17] (sign-up requried) or HERE [18] or .50 Betty Crocker Cookie Mix Coupon [20] or HERE [4] or $1/2 Cookie MQ (12/9 SS)
=.79 at best for Cookie Mix B+

Jell-O Gelatin or Pudding Mix .3-3.9oz .79 with in-ad coupon
-$1/4 MQ (12/9 SS) *regional value
=.54 each wyb 4 C

Keebler Town House or Club Crackers 9.5-16oz $1.99 with in-ad coupon
-$1/2 MQ (12/9 RP)
=$1.49 each wyb 2 C

Post Honey Bunches of Oats 14.5oz or Fruity Pebbles 11oz Cereal $1.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-.55 Fruity Pebbles MQ (12/2 RP)
=.99 for Fruity Pebbles A-

Arizona Tea, Gallon $2.50 (Friday Only) C

Pepsi 20pk, 12oz Cans $5 (Friday Only, Limit 3) C

Monster or Rockstar Energy Drink 4pk, 16oz Can $5 (Friday Only) C-

Frito Lay Variety Pack 20ct $5 (Friday Only) C-

Dunkin’ Donuts  Coffee 11-12oz $5 (Friday Only)
-$1/2 MQ (12/2 RP) *regional value
=$4.50 each wyb 2 B-

Sabra Hummus 10oz $2.50 (Friday Only) D+


Lucerne or Open Nature Cheese 24-32oz $5 (Friday Only)
-.35 Real California Coupon [21] (look for the Real California label)
=$4.30 A-

Kraft Natural Slices 6-8oz $3.50
-$1 Kraft Natural Slices Coupon [4] or HERE [3] (use zip code 30303)
=$2.50 D+

Reddi-Wip Whipped Cream 6.5oz $2.50
-.25 MQ (11/11 SS)
=$2 C-

Yoplait Greek 100 5.3oz $1
-.60/2 Yoplait Greek Yogurt Coupon [22] (sign-up required) or HERE [18] or $1.50/5 MQ (11/11 SS)
=.50 each at best wyb 2 A-

Fage Greek Yogurt 35.3-48oz $5 (Friday Only) C-

Daisy Sour Cream 35.3-48oz $5 (Friday Only) C-

 Coffee-Mate Flavored Creamers 32oz $2.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 3)
-$1/2 MQ (10/28 RP) or .55/2 Coffee-Mate Creamer Coupon [23] (sign-up required)
=$2.49 each wyb 2 D+

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter 8-15oz $1.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 3)
-$1 I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Coupon [3] (use zip code 33133)
=.99 B+


Breyers Varieties 1.5qt $2.88 C+

Sara Lee Oven Fresh Frozen Pies 37oz Buy One, Get One Free
-$1 MQ (11/4 RP)

Jimmy Dean Breakfast Selections 9.6-16oz Buy One, Get One Free
-$1/2 MQ (12/2 RP) *regional value

Freschetta Pizza 16.08-28.01oz $4.49
-$1 Freschetta Pizza Coupon [24] (sign-up required)
=$3.49 B

Eating Right or Safeway Select Meals 6-12.4oz $2 C-

Tyson Breaded Chicken Selections 22-30oz Buy One, Get One Free
-$1.50/2 MQ (10/7 SS)

Gorton’s Seafood Selections 5.75-11.4oz $3.49
-$1/2 Gorton’s Coupon [25] or $1/2 MQ (11/4 SS) *regional value
=$2.99 each wyb 2 C

Gorton’s Seafood Selections 8-17.2oz $4.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-$1/2 Gorton’s Coupon [25] or $1/2 MQ (11/4 SS) *regional value
=$4.49 each wyb 2 C

Birds Eye Voila Meals 21oz $3.99
-$1.75 Birds Eye Voila Coupon [26] or .50 Birds Eye Voila Coupon [27] or HERE [9]
=$2.24 at best B+

Green Giant Frozen Vegetables 7-10oz Buy Two, Get One Free
-$1/3 MQ (11/1 SS or 12/9 SS) *regional value

Ore-Ida Potatoes  19-32oz $3.50
-$1/2 MQ (12/9 SS)
=$3 each wyb 2

Marie Callender’s 28-46oz or Edwards Frozen Pies 25.5-36oz $4.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-.75 Marie MQ (11/11 SS) or $1 Edwards Pie Coupon [28] or $1 Edwards MQ (11/18 SS or 12/2 SS)
=$3.99 C+

Pillsbury Frozen Breakfast 7.4-11.5oz $1.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-$1/3 MQ (10/7 GM) *regional value
=$1.66 each wyb 3 C

Birds Eye Steamfresh frozen Vegetables 10-12oz $1.69 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-.35 Birds Eye Steamfresh 100% Whole Grain Coupon [29] or $1/3 MQ (11/18 SS) *regional value
=.99 at best B-


All Pacs 24ct or Purex Pacs 26ct $3.99
-.50 All Laundry Detergent Coupon [13] or $1 All MQ (11/11 RP or 12/2 RP)
=$2.99 for All B

Solo Plates 22-44ct or Cups 30ct $2.49 with in-ad coupon (Limit 2)
-$1.25/2 MQ (12/2 SS)
=$1.87 each wyb 2 B

Arm and Hammer Detergent 125-150oz or 50ct Pacs $6.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 2)
-$1/3 Arm and Hammer Laundry Coupon [30] (sign-up required)
=$6.66 each wyb 3 D

Ziploc Value Pack Storage Bags 30-50ct $2.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 2)
-$1/2 Ziploc Bags Coupon [4] or $1/2 MQ (12/2 SS)
=$2.49 each wyb 2 C-

Duracell Duralock Batteries 8ct AA or AAA, 6ct Ultra’s, 4ct C or D, or 2ct 9 Volt $5 (Friday Only)
-$2 MQ (12/9 RP) *regional value
=$3 C

Duracell Duralock Batteries 16ct AA or AAA, 8ct C or D, or 4ct 9 Volt $9.99 with in-ad coupon
-$2 MQ (12/9 RP) *regional value
=$7.99 D+

Air Wick Candles 5.29oz or Freshmatic Refills 6.17oz $4.49 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-.50/2 Air Wick Coupon [31] (sign-up required)
=$3.99 each wyb 2 D


Milk-Bone 18-28.6oz, Pup-Peroni 5.6-7oz or Milo’s Kitchen Dog Treats 3-3.3oz $2.50
-$1/2 Milk-Bone, Pup-Peroni or Milo’s Kitchen Coupon [4] or HERE [3] (use zip code 77477)
=$2 each wyb 2 C

Friskies Party Mix 2.1oz $1.69  
-$1/2 MQ (10/28 RP or 12/2 SS)
=$1.19 each wyb 2 B-

Purina Dog or Puppy Chow 16.5-18.5lb Bag $10.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 3)
-$2 MQ (11/18 SS) or $1.60 Purina Dog Chow Coupon [32] (video reward) or .75 MQ (12/9 RP)
=$8.99 at best D

Arm and Hammer Scoop Litter 40lb $10.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 3)
-$2/2 Arm and Hammer Cat Litter Coupon [30] (sign-up required)
=$9.99 each wyb 2 D

Just for U Deals

 Check out my post on Safeway’s Just for U program [33]  for all of the details on using these coupons and getting signed up for the program.

Bounty Paper Towels 6 Big Rolls $7.49
-$1 Just for U Coupon
=$6.49 D+

Enfamil Powder Formula 33.2-35oz $34.99 wyb 2
-$5 Just for U Coupon
=$29.99 each wyb 2 C-

Lucerne Milk 64oz $1.75 (Limit 3)
-.50 Just for U Coupon
=$1.25 B

Kraft Cool Whip Topping 8oz $1.49
-.50 Just for U Coupon
=.99 C

Ball Park Fully Cooked Beef Patties 18oz $6.99
-$1 Just for U Coupon
=$5.99 D

Odwalla Fresh 100% Orange Juice 64oz $5.99
-$1 Just for U Coupon
=$4.99 D

Safeway Kitchens Brown ‘N Serve Rolls 12ct $1.50
-.50 Just for U Coupon
=$1 B

Safeway Apple Juice 64oz $1.99
-.50 Just for U Coupon
=$1.49 B

Red Oval Farms Stoned What Thins 10.6-11.46oz $3
-.51 Just for U Coupon
=$2.49 C-

Francesco Rinaldi Pasta Sauce 23.5-24oz $1.50 (Limit 4)
-.50 Just for U Coupon
=$1 A-

Lay’s Potato Chips 10-10.5oz $2.49
-.50 Just for U Coupon
=$1.99 B

7-Up 6pk, 16.9oz Bottles 2/$5
-$1 Just for U Coupon
=2/$4 B+