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Safeway Deals 10/10-10/16: Cereal for .67, Pasta for .50 + More!

Here are your Safeway deals that begin on October 10th and run through October 16th. Please share in the comments section if you come across any other deals or if you have any questions

New to Bargain Blessings? Check-out our Grocery Store Deal Grading System [2]…and Welcome!

The scenarios below are based on double coupons. Be sure to check with your individual store for their double coupon policy.


Beef New York Strip Steak, Bone-in $5.99/lb C-

Sanderson Farms Whole Chicken .89/lb B

Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs, Bone-in $1.99/lb D

Beef Top Sirloin Steaks $5/lb (Friday Only) D

93% Lean Ground Beef $2.99/lb C+

Oscar Mayer Meat Franks or Meat Bologna 16oz Buy One at $3.99, Get One Free
=$2 B-

Safeway Lean Ground Turkey 20oz Buy One at $4.99, Get One Free
=$2.50 B-


Honeycrisp Apples $1.99/lb B

Hot House Tomatoes $1.29/lb C+

Fresh Express or Safeway Farms Salad Blends 4.75-12oz $2.50 C+

Red or Green Seedless Grapes 3lb Clamshell $5 (Friday Only) C+

Navel Oranges $1.49/lb D-

Green Cabbage .69/lb C+

Hass Avocados $1.25 each D+

Russet Potatoes .99/lb F

Strawberries 16oz $2.99 F

Hungenberg Farms Peeled Baby-Cut Carrots 16oz $1.99 F

Green, Red or Black Seedless Grapes $2.49/lb D

Red, Bosc or Bartlett Pears $1.79/lb F

Organic Raspberries 6oz $3.99 D


Oroweat Variety Breads, Thins or Muffins $2.99
-.55 MQ (8/12 SS)
=$1.99 C+

Fritos or Cheetos 9-10.5oz Buy One at $3.49, Get One Free
=$1.75 C+

Hormel REV Wraps 3oz $1.50
-$1 Hormel REV Coupon [3]
=.50 A-

Progresso Traditional or Rich and Hearty Soup 18.5-19oz $1.25
-$1/4 MQ (10/7 GM)
=$1 C+

Nabisco Oreo Cookies or Honey Maid Grahams 7.04-15.9oz $3
-.50 September Issue of  All You Magazine or $1/2 October Issue of All You Magazine
=$2 at best C+

Pepsi or 7UP 12pk, 12oz Cans Buy Two, Get Two Free wyb 4

Post Honey Bunches of Oats 14.5oz $2.50
-$1/2 MQ (10/7 SS)
=$2 C-

Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats 15-18oz $2.50
-$1/2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini Wheats [4](sign-up required) or $1/2 Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats [3](use zipe code 10001)
=$2 C-

Starbucks Coffee or K-Cups 11-12oz or 10ct $7.99
-$3/2 Starbucks Coffee Coupon [5] or $3/2 Starbucks Coffee Coupon [3]or $3/2 MQ (10/7 SS)
=$6.49 C

Hormel Chili with Beans $1 (Friday Only)
-.55/2 Hormel Chili Coupon [6]
=.50 A-

Nabisco Variety Pack 20ct $5 (Friday Only) C

Nabisco Ritz Super Carton 37.7oz $5 (Friday Only) C

Arizona Tea, Gallon $2.50 (Friday Only) C-

General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios 12.25oz or Lucky Charms 11.5oz $1.67 (Friday Only)
-.60 Honey Nut Cheerios Coupon [7](sign-up required) or Here [8]or .50 Honey Nut Cheerios Coupon [3] or  $1/2 MQ (9/9 SS) or $1/3 MQ (10/7 GM)
=.67 for Cheerios or $1.17 for Lucky Charms A-

Coca-Cola 20pk, 12oz Cans $5 (Limit 3, Friday Only) C

Barilla Pasta 12-16oz $1
-$1/2 MQ (9/23 SS or 9/30 SS)
=.50 A-

Classico Pasta Sauce 15-24oz $1.99 C+

OvenJoy Sandwich Breads 16oz .99 B

Progresso Vegetable Classics Soup 18.5-19oz .99
-$1/4 MQ (10/7 GM)

Kellogg’s Fiber Plus Chewy Bars 6.3oz $2.50
-.60 Kellogg’s Fiber Plus Coupon [9]
=$1.50 B

Celestial Seasonings Tea 18-20ct $2 C

Nabisco 100 Calorie Packs or SnackWell’s 3.7-7.75oz $3 D+

Pringles Potato Crisps 5.71-6.41oz $1.67 C

Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows 10oz $1.25 C

Hershey’s, Mars or Nestle Snack Size Bags 9-12.5oz $2.50
-$1.50/3 MQ (9/16 RP or 10/7 RP)
=$2 C

Mars Jumbo Fun Size Bag 18.8-22.55oz $5.99
-$1.50/3 MQ (9/16 RP or 10/7 RP)
=$5.49 D+

Tostitos Tortilla Chips 9-13oz or Rold Gold Pretzels 7-16oz $1.99 with in-ad coupon
-$1 MQ (9/30 Pepsico) or $1/2 MQ (9/30 Pepsico)
=.99 for Tostitos or $1.49 for Rold Gold A-

Pepperidge Farm Milano Cookies or Baked Naturals 5-8.5oz $1.99
-.50 MQ (9/9 SS) *regional value
=.99 for Baked Naturals B+

Special K Crackers 4-8oz or Right Bites 4.4-4.62oz $2.99 F

Bush’s Best Variety Beans 15-16oz $1  C-

Skippy Peanut Butter 15-16.3oz $2.99
-.50/2 Skippy Peanut Butter Coupon [10] (sign-up required)
=$2.49 C-

Kraft Macaroni and Cheese 7.25-8oz .88 C+

Campbell’s Condensed Soup 10.75oz .79
-.40/3 Campbell’s Condensed Soup Coupon [3]or $1/5 Campbell’s Condensed Soup Coupon [11] or $1/5 MQ (10/7 SS) *regional value
=.52 at best B

Quaker Chewy Granola Bars 8ct $1.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4)
-$1/2 Quaker Coupon [12] or $1/2 October Issue of All You Magazine
=$1.49 B-

Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts 12ct $1.99 (Limit 4)
-$1/2 Kellogg’s Pop-Tart Coupon [4] (sign-up required)
=$1.49 C+

La Victoria Salsa 16oz $2
-$1/2 MQ (8/19 SS)
=$1.50 C+

Del Monte Stewed or Diced Canned Tomatoes 14.5oz .99 C

Kuner’s Canned Vegetables 14.5-15oz .79 C-

La Tortilla Factory Low Carb Tortillas 10ct $2.29 with in-ad coupon C


Lucerne Chunk or Shredded Cheese 16oz $3.49 C

Lucerne Butter 16oz $2.99 C-

Lucerne Sandwich Cheese Processed Slices 12oz or Natural Slices 8oz $1.99 with in-ad coupon (Limit 4) C

Lucerne Soy, Almond or Coconut Milk 64oz $2.29 with in-ad coupon (Limit 3) C-

Lucerne Greek Yogurt 6oz .69 with in-ad coupon (Limit 10) C


Lucerne Ice Cream 1.5qt $2.50 B-

Lean Cuisine Simple Flavors 5-11.5oz or Stouffer’s Simple Dishes 10-12oz $2
-$1 Stouffer’s Mac & Cheese Facebook Coupon [13] (“like them”) (if included in this sale)
=$1 C

Gorton’s Seafood Selections 5.75-11.4oz $3.49
– $1 MQ (10/7 SS) (if included in this sale) or $1/2 Gorton’s Coupon [14]
=$2.49 at best C+

Gorton’s Tilapia, Shrimp or Grilled Selections 8-17.2oz $6.99
-$1/2 Gorton’s Coupon [14]
=$6.49 D+

Open Nature Ice Cream or Greek Frozen Yogurt 1.5qt $3.99 D

Lucerne Creamery Fresh Ice Cream 2qt $3.99 D

Stouffer’s or Lean Cuisine Meals 6-12.625oz $2.50
-$1 Stouffer’s Mac & Cheese Facebook Coupon [13] (“like them”)
=$1.50 for Stouffer’s C

O Organics Frozen Vegetables 16oz $2 C

Just for U Deals

Check out my post on Safeway’s Just for U program [15]  for all of the details on using these
coupons and getting signed up for the program.

Foster Farms Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts  2.5lb $7.99
-$2 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$5.99 C

Johnsonville Breakfast Sausage Links or Patties 12oz $2.99 (Limit 5)
-.50 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$2.49 C

Kraft Cracker Barrel Cheese 8oz $3.49 (Limit 4)
-.50 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$2.99 D+

Ore Ida Potatoes 19-32oz $3.49
-.50 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$2.99 C-

Lucerne Milk 64oz $1.99
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=.99 B+

Breyers Varieties 1.5qt $3.49
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$2.49 C

Nabisco Newtons 8.04-14oz $3
-.50 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$2.50 D+

Keebler Town House or  Club Crackers 9.5-16oz $2.50
-.51 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$1.99 C

7UP 2 Liter .99
-.30 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=.69 C

Mission Tortilla Chips 20oz $2.99
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$1.99 C-

V8 V-Fusion Juice or Smoothies 36-46oz $2.75
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$1.75 B-

California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil 25.4oz $6.99 (Limit 1)
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$5.99 C

Seattle’s Best Coffee 12oz $6.88
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$5.88 C-

Wish-Bone Salad Dressing 16oz $1.99 (Limit 1)
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=.99 B

Clorox Disinfecting Wipes 75ct $5.89 (Limit 1)
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$4.89 D

Era Detergent 150oz $8.99
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$7.99 D

Iams Dry Cat Food 4lb $7.99 (Limit 3)
-$1 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$6.99 D+

Dove Body Wash 18-24oz $6.99
-$2 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$4.99 D

Airborne 10ct $5.99 (Limit 2)
-$1.50 Safeway Just for U Coupon
=$4.49 C

Personal Care

All Detergent 50oz 2x Liquid or 24ct Pacs $4
-.50 ALL Detergent Coupon [16] or $2/2 (9/30 RP)
=$3 C

Windex 26oz or Pledge Furniture Polish 9.7-12.5oz or Pledge Wipes 25ct $2.50 with in-ad coupon
-$1/2 Windex Coupon [3] or Here [17] (sign-up required) or $1/2 MQ (9/23 SS) *regional value or $1 Pledge Multi-Surface Wipes Coupon [18] (sign-up required) or $1.50/2 Pledge Coupon [3] or Here [17] (sign-up required)
=$2 for Windex or $1.50 at best for Pledge C

Dove, Axe or Degree Deodorant 2.6-6oz $3.49
-$1 Dove Go Sleeveless Deodorant Coupon [19] (sign-up required) or $1 Dove Men Coupon [20] or $1 MQ (9/30 RP) or $1 Axe Deodorant Coupon [3] or .75/1 Degree Motion Sense Coupon [3]or .75/2 MQ (9/30 RP) *regional value
=$2.49 at best D+


Tid Pods 18ct, Tide Detergent or Gain Detergent 50oz Liquid or 34-40oz Powder $5.99
-$1 MQ (9/30 PG) or $1/2 MQ (9/9 SS or 9/16 RP) *regional value
=$4.99 at best C


Huggies or Pampers 3x Wipes 180-216ct or Mom to Mom or Luvs Jumbo Diapers 23-50ct $5 (Friday Only)
-$1/2 MQ (9/16 SS) *regional value or $1 MQ (9/30 PG)
=$4.50 for Huggies Wipes or $4 for Luvs Diapers C


Pup-Peroni Dog Treats 5.6-7oz Buy One at $4.49, Get One Free
-$1.50/2 MQ (9/16 RPor 10/7 RP) *regional value
=$1.50 each A