Yay! There are two new links available to request the awesome Organize in Style P&G coupon booklets!
Also, here are two prior links that may work for you if you have not requested a book through them yet:
The more of these booklets that you can have on hand the better! They contain some great high-value coupons inside that have already proved to be useful! 🙂
Please share how many books you were able to request through these links? Did they all work for you?
(Thanks Couponing to Disney!)
shaz says
links are not working. is it just one 2 times a year now, not 1 time a month?
Anita says
I was able to sign up for all four.
Lisa Stone says
I requested all 4, but since it says only one per household, I wonder if I’ll really get that many. We’ll see.
Natalie says
I was able to get (3) of the four. I think I already requested this, so I was thrilled to get an extra (3)! Thanks Jennie:)!
Jessica says
I was able to get all 4 after trying #3 the second time! WAHOOO I just hope they send them all.
Jessica says
I also clicked on the couponing to Disney and was able to complete 2 more of there links!! 🙂
Natalie says
I got all 4. Yah!
Mandy says
I was able to get 3. Link #3 didn’t let me but the other ones all did:) !!