Hey all you Twitter’ers! I’m going to be hosting a very fun Savings Nation Twitter party tonight and I hope you can join us!
Here is everything that you’ll need to know to join the party:
Your Hosts: Ashley (tweeting as @Savings), Jennie (@BargainBlessing), Maria (@ASavingsWow), Karen (@savinfamlymoney), and Melissa (@bargainshopmom).
When: Thursday, June 21st, 7:00pm MT
Where: On Twitter in the #SavingsNation hashtag, or join the Tweet Chat Page.
What: There are several questions we will tweet and discuss. Be sure to use the hash tag #savingsnation to be eligible for the prizes.
•What’s your favorite thing to do for Summer fun?
•How do you celebrate the first day of Summer?
•What are your best tips for keep that air conditioning bill low?
•How do you save on fun activities with the kids during the Summer?
•It’s swimsuit time! Where do you find the best bargain on nice swimwear?
•What is your best tip for staying cool on a budget this Summer?
•If travel is your thing, what’s your favorite Summer destination?
Prizes: $100 grocery gift card, and two $50 grocery gift cards.
RSVP: Submit your Twitter handle on the Savings.com blog page to RSVP.
*Must put your Twitter handle on the link provided above AND be present at the party in order to win a prize. Use the Twitter hashtag in your responses to questions to be eligible. Must be 18 years or older to win.
Want to learn how to save even more on your groceries?
Join us for a Savings Nation Colorado Grocery Savings and Couponing Workshop, sponsored by King Soopers!
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