This week’s It’s Your Turn question has three parts:
How long have you been couponing?
How many stores do you shop at on average each week?
How much time do you spend each week couponing?
by Jennie
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Dana R. says
I started couponing at the end of may beginning of June. I love it!!! I started because I was hearing about the savings people could attain. I have a family of 8, my husband and I and our 6 boys, we were spending a lot a week in groceries and for the money not getting as much as I am getting now, spending less! I decided to research and give it try and haven’t stopped since! My saving are getting better and I am working faster. I go to target, walmart, walgreens, rite aid, safeway, albertsons, and king soopers each week(though some times one or more of those drop off depending on what the match ups are). I spend about 20 hours a week clipping, making my lists, running my own blog, organizing, and printing! I am thankful for all you do that helps me along in my own week! I am so thankful that I have found a way to save us money and even treat my family with things that I would not buy because of the price, now it’s free and everyone is excited! I am also honored to be able to bless others in a way that I haven’t been able to before! When ever some one comes over I always send them home with a bag of goodies of their choosing out of my garage or pantry, it is such a joy!!
Patti says
oops AND i have been doing it on and off for 20 years or more.
Patti says
I probably only spend a few hours a week, but my mother-in-law keeps me informed on a lot of deals. when i need something i usually search for it here or other sites (they/you really do all the work). I really like to stack coupons at Safeway and Walgreens. I use coupons from the newspaper and printables from the standard sites ( etc) also facebook. I scan the ads on Weds and I try to hold off my shopping until Sunday (when Safeway’s Sunday ad comes out). I know I spend a little longer shopping because if I see a sale on something that wasn’t in my plan i need to dig through and see if i have a coupon! i don’t obsess, but i know i save ALO T of money. A buck is a buck! You don’t have to purchase EVERY deal, the less time you are at the store the less you spend! also, I try to keep my trips “small” because it’s easier to make sure all your coupons are scanning properly. Slow & steady wins the race!!
lynette says
i have been couponing since i was a teenager, now i’m 42 and my daughter is into couponing also! i mainly use coupons at kroger, walgreens, meijer, and ulta. I spend about 7 hours a week couponing. i just started using all of the coupon sites about three months ago. i love the coupons you can add to you kroger card and unfortunately i cannot print too many coupons at home. the coupon printer you have to install, always tends to mess up our computer! i get by on the newspaper, coupons my mom saves for me, and coupons and ads we get in our driveway.
Kim says
I started in Feb. but seriously got into it a couple of months ago. I haven’t really noticed how much time I spend couponing. I don’t spend as much time as I would be if it weren’t for you getting the deals up for King Soopers, Sprouts, Walgreens and Target. So thank you for that. I very much appreciate it. I shop at King Soopers every week and started shopping at Sprouts every Wednesday now. I sometimes go to Walgreens and Target. I rarely go to Walmart anymore.
beth says
I have been couponing for about a year. I have come a long way since then. Use to take me about 5-10 hrs a week now I do the same amount but only spend about 3 hrs a week, including, cutting, sorting, making menus, and lists. I don’t always save a ton but for the amount of time it takes me I am happy with it
I go to 4 stores a week, King soopers or Safeway, Sprouts or Sunflower, Costco, and Walgreens.
I am happy I finally have a routine that works for me.
Thanks for all you do Jennie! You have been a huge help in my success!
JoDi via Facebook says
I have been doing it just a few months abd so still working on getting organized ( trying differant ways till I find one that really works). I try really hard to not spend more then a 15 hours a week cutting, printing, and finding my shopping list. I still only shop at 2 stores. I wish I could spend more time shopping I feel I could get better deals but with 3 young kids I only get an hour at best in the store
Christine via Facebook says
My mother and I coupon together we think we spend about 8-10 hours my dad and husband quickly corrected us telling us we spend 20-30 hours a week. Guess time flies when your having fun
Sharon says
ooops! I posted that before I was finished but you get the idea! Thank you as always for your wonderful page, I would have given up if not for this great resource! Sharon
Sharon says
Oh thank goodness, you all make me feel so much better!!!!! I really thought I was investing WAY too much time. I’m still pretty new at this and I’d say I spend about 15 hours a week preparing right now, and that doesn’t even include the shopping trips. I have changed my organization methoud 4 times trying to find something that works well for me! I have couponed for a couple years but never like I am doing it now. At first Hubby wouldn’t let me download the coupon printers, then I couldn’t find a website with match-ups for my region until I found BB. (I was PRAYing for help with my couponing efforts when I found BB!) Now that I’m all set up, I’m finding I often have a list and coupons planned, but no time to dro pby the store, GRRRR! I don’t have much support from family or friends and the rolly-eyes, and comments about my ‘job’, are taking their toll. They really make me feel like I’m wasting a ton of time, and at this point I am not seeing the return on my efforts so I can understand why they think that, but I can see the light from under my mountain of coupons so I’m still plugging away. What I’d like to see that would help me most is a bullet point list to follow.
For example:
Sunday – 1. get inserts and file by date
go through binder(s) and remove expireds,
Jennifer says
Sharon, I clip out the ones I know I will be buying no matter if on sale or not, gotta have mayo, toilet paper, they Tyson Chicken Nuggets my kids will starve if they dont have (haha), etc… and file them in my binder. The rest stay in the insert and I file those by dates in a cabinet. Then I stock up on the other stuff when it is cheap or free.
Ioana via Facebook says
I spend anywhere from 7 -15 hours a week getting coupons organized, cut out, looking at adds for the best price, and internet blogs like Bargain Blessings and Southern Savers. Facebook is a a help in cutting down the time I spend.
Ioana via Facebook says
I spend anywhere from 7 -15 hours a week getting coupons organized, cut out, looking at adds for the best price, and internet blogs like Bargain Blessings and Southern Savers. Facebook is a a help in cutting down the time I spend.
Angela says
I’ve been couponing for a couple months now. And I spend a lot less time b/c of this site!! Thank you! Probably an hour a day – and that’s because I like reading blogs and searching for coupons. I go to King Soopers, Sunflower, Sprouts (occasionally) and Whole Foods, depending on what’s at each place. I recently started going to Vitamin Cottage because they have good deals on certain things too. They also have $1 bags of organic fruits and veggies that are slightly bruised, or they’re trying to get off the shelf. I’d say each bag is about 1 lb. It’s like a fun treasure hunt
analisa says
I started couponing in may!
I go to King Soopers every week and target every two, walmart and walgreens sometimes when there is something I need!
I only spend about three hours a week on it!
Jennifer says
I am probably spending 8-10 hours per week. I do the diving in the newspaper recycle bin for about an hour each week, it has been well worth it!
HighPlainsMom says
I’ve been a casual coupon clipper since the mid 90s but I didn’t get into it in earnest until about a year ago.
I probably spend about 12 hours a week on clipping, sorting, filing and planning. I find that I actually spend less time in the stores now that I have a plan before I go in!
I try to avoid WalMart at all possible costs because it’s just not convenient for me…..I hit King’s, Safeway and Walgreens every week but will occasionally hit Rite Aid if the deals are good. Target is kind of far away for me but I put those deals together, match up the q’s and send them to work with hubby so the folks who live close can take advantage!
Melissa via Facebook says
Really wanting to get into it…. Followed a list miss bobbi had made out for her couponing class and loved it… But redecorated my room and moved printer and don’t know how to set it back up but when I do it’s on lol……..
Cecilia says
I’ve been using coupons for about 25 years now but not too much for the past 10 years since we became “empty nesters”. This past Spring when “that show” aired, I thought that would be fun to get back into since I no longer work and need a hobby so I got back into couponing this past May.
I shop Walgreens, RiteAid, King Soopers, Safeway, the Commissary at Buckley Air Force Base once a month and occasionally Walmart.
Since I don’t work I have lots of time to spend on this “hobby”. I can spend 2-4 hours a day but alot of it is reading the forums just to see what other people are doing.
Micala via Facebook says
Been couponing for about 2 years…spend about two-three hours a week preparing.
Amanda via Facebook says
Been couponing forever, saw my parents do it, but avidly for about 6 months, because someone taught me how to do it better. Thanks Laura Sharp! I usually do 2-4 stores a week depending on sales. I spend about 15-20 hours couponing(printing, cutting, organizing and making my shopping list.)
Hazel says
Since June 2011 so I’m still in training.
The max is 5 stores – Wags, Wal*Mart, Target, Safeway and King Soopers. Fortunately my work route has me on 25 so I can do easy, early morning pop-offs into the Castle Pines North stores (little or no sales tax, yeehaw!)
Now that I’m into a groove, I spend 8-10 hours a week couponing with a few extra hours the last week of the month gathering the expired coupons for shipment to the military. But I tell ya what, if I spent 30+ hours a week, it would still be well worth it!
I love clipping, sorting and filing my coupons, it’s the closest thing to a treasure bath I’ll ever get!
Jennifer says
What is with the expired coupons and sending them to the military?
Hazel says
Here’s the link (fingers crossed that my c&p skills are working)
Great little thing to help our troops
Jennifer says
That is awesome! Thanks!