WhooHooo! I just got word that Zaycon Foods is coming back to Colorado with their famous All Natural Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast for $1.69/lb! That is an A price for chicken and especially for Zaycon chicken…can you tell that I’m just a tad excited? If you are not in Colorado, don’t worry! They have events running all over the nation this year that you can get in on, just register on the Zaycon website for all the details.
Quick Note: Their site is getting slammed very hard right now, so try to be patient. I had to try a few times to get my order through.
About Zaycon
Zaycon Foods combines the buying power of many families together, enabling them to save significantly on things like Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast. They have a unique sales event model that turns traditional food purchasing on its ear. In about 2 minutes you can pick up your order without even getting out of the car!
About Zaycon’s Products
Zaycon brings products direct from the farm/processor (or as nearly as direct as possible). The products are as fresh as if you had your own farm, but without all the chores. They sell food products only by the case with no extra costs for handling. Zaycon sells only what they eat themselves—high quality, healthy food. Our focus is on a select number of commonly consumed food items such as fresh meats like chicken, beef, turkey, pork and fish. Zaycon’s chicken is 100% natural with no added hormones, additives or artificial ingredients AND it comes directly from the processor and has never been frozen!
Upcoming Colorado Events
I was thrilled to see tonight that Zaycon is coming back to Colorado in just a few weeks! They will have their All Natural Chicken Brest for $1.69/lb at locations all over the state and there are really too many to list, so make sure to check out their site for all the details! Their chicken comes in 40lb boxes so you will pay only $67.60 for an entire box…which is an amazing price especially for the quality of the meat you will get.
I can tell you first hand that this is some of the most fresh and best tasting chicken that I’ve ever had. It is important to note that you will need to do some prep work to trim, split-up and store the chicken, but it is so so so worth it!
Important Details: All orders for the Colorado event must be placed by Tuesday, October 2, 2012. Also, Zaycon events often sell out, so don’t wait too long to place your order. The last time that they offered chicken it sold out in less than two days.
If a 40lb box is too large for your family and you would like to split it with someone please feel free to use the comments section to exchange e-mail addresses to do so. Please make sure to put your e-mail in this format: jennie (at) bargainblessigns (dot) com to prevent spam-bots from grabbing it. Also, please note that neither I nor Bargiain Blessings is responsible or involved in any agreements that you make with other readers.
Pat says
Zaycon please come back to Minnesota. Please!!
Rachel says
In regards to how much space 40 lbs. of chicken needs, the Zaycon website says: Case dimensions—18 in wide x 12 in deep x 7 in tall. I hope that helps!
Charlotte says
I did this last year and was very happy with the product, but the splitting and trimming was kind of a pain, especially since Sam’s Clubs price is $1.77/lb everyday…I just had my third and the oldest is four so I’ll pay the $.08/lb to have it prepped and ready! Everyone enjoy this deal though!
Dana Johnson says
WHAT is going on with their website?! I’ve been trying to order it for the last few hours…I can’t remember my password and every time I try to re-register or have them send a reminder email, it leads to an error. I’m so bummed because I got some last year and don’t want to miss out!
Raeme says
I had the same problem with payment I but my payment info in and it gave me an error message. I entered it 3 more times same thing. I got ahold of Zaycon and they said my payment went through and I was good to go! So excited
JoEllen says
I can’t visualize, how much room do I need to make for 40 lbs of chicken, how big is the box it comes in?
Jennie says
I’m a terrible estimator JoEllen, but I would say that it is about the size of four to five shoe boxes. I hope that helps!
Amy says
I got through to place my order and enter my payment information but after that it’s been sitting for about 5 minutes.
Jennie says
Did it ever go through Amy? I guess my order went through twice and my payment didn’t go through either time, lol. I guess I’ll have to get that straightened out.