You can currently enter to win FREE milk for an entire year by going HERE or by texting WIN to 38488! 120 families will be mailed a 52-week coupon book for a year’s supply of milk in gallons!
Also, first 100,000 entrants get a coupon for FREE milk with purchase (up to $4)! Each person will receive one of the following coupons:
*Free half gallon of chocolate milk (with purchase of white gallon)
* Free white milk gallon (with $100 grocery purchase)
* Free half gallon of chocolate milk (with purchase of two white gallons)
* Free single serve (with purchase of white gallon or half gallon)
(Thanks Eeendvors!)
Tanya says
The coupon can only be used with a $100 grocery purchase. I assume that means before coupons. Still, I find that hard to get to that amount nowadays… hoping for a King Soopers Mega 10 event…..
Tanya says
If your purchase was high enough (say $105), could you use both milk coupons in the same transaction?