What seems like forever ago, my good friend Alyssa was watching TV one morning and saw Chrissy from BeCentsable talking about how couponing had changed her life. Alyssa then mentioned it to me and I procrastinated a few weeks before finally checking out the BeCentsable website. Boy did I regret that couple of weeks that I procrastinated! One thing lead to another and there we were, Alyssa and I were full fledged couponers…saving hundreds and hundreds every month! Since that time, my life also has been dramatically changed by couponing and Alyssa and I started Bargain Blessings in November of 2009! All this is thanks to Chrissy and Kristen at BeCentsable, and I’m now thankful to count them as friends.
I’m excited to share that Chrissy and Kristen just published their first book called Be CentsAble: How to Cut Your Household Budget in Half. In their book they share their personal experiences and knowledge about a variety of frugal topics! Their book is packed with very helpful and practical tips that can easily lead one to cutting their household budget in half! Here is just a small sample of the subjects they cover:
Can we afford to buy organic foods and not starve?
Can we cut our electric bill without melting in the summer?
Can “Dinner and a Movie” be affordable again?
Can we go to the beach or Disney world this year or will we have to settle for a local camping trip again?
Chrissy and Kristen have provided us with a complete guide to saving money on everyday expenses while keeping life simple and sane! Don’t worry…you won’t feel pressured to change your lifestyle or conform to strict do’s and dont’s either. They outline a step-by-step approach that’s flexible to meet your family’s available time and needs.
If you would like to purchase Be CentsAble: How to Cut Your Household Budget in Half, it can be found at Amazon
, Barnes and Noble, and Borders! Regardless of where you are in your frugal journey (just considering it or a seasoned expert) this book has a lot to offer. I was thrilled to learn so many new things!
Chrissy and Kristen have also given me a copy of Be CentsAble: How to Cut Your Household Budget in Half to give away to one of the Bargain Blessings readers! Here are your options for entering this giveaway:
1. Tell me one subject related to couponing or frugal living in general that you would like to know more about
2. Become a Bargain Blessings Daily E-mail Subscriber
(if you already subscribe, leave a comment saying so)
(if you already subscribe, leave a comment saying so)
5. Share this giveaway with a friend, on your Facebook page, or on Twitter. (leave a comment to let me know you’ve done so)
Please make sure to leave a separate comment for each of these ways to enter and leave your e-mail address so I have a way to contact you if you win!
I will randomly select a winner on Tuesday, April 20th! The winner will then have 48 hours to contact me.
Don’t forget to enter to win a $25 Cafe Press Gift Card from King Soopers/Kroger!!!
Like this deal? Sign-up for the Bargain Blessings Daily Deal e-mail HERE so you never miss another bargain!
Amy says
I am an email subscriber, and i would like to spend less time using coupons, it seems to take forever !
Karena says
I'm an email subscriber. Or…I was until about a week ago when I learned to follow your blog daily on Google Reader RSS feed. It makes it so much easier! Does that still count?
stephmb says
I would love to know how you organize yourself to be efficient with going to multiple stores.
[email protected]
stephmb says
I'm also a Facebook fan!
stephmb says
I subscribe and a follower on blogspot.
[email protected]
Amanda says
I subscribe to your e-mails too!
mangobot76 at gmail dot com
Amanda says
I am a facebook fan.
mangobot76 at gmail dot com
Amanda says
I too would like to learn about cutting my utility bill! It is far too high during the winter and summer months!
mangobot76 at gmail dot com
Anonymous says
I am a facebook fan. I would LOVE this book.
[email protected]
Anonymous says
I am a daily email subscriber and a facebook fan and just a fan in general. I would love to learn more about being "centsable".
[email protected]
JA_freecash says
I am a subscriber to your daily e-mails.
JA_freecash says
I am a FB fan.
Anonymous says
Losing job in 3 weeks-would like to learn more about rebating-recent one keeps coming back @/14 Olay)
Angela F says
(ooops — forgot my email address! all of the Angela F ones are [email protected])
Angela F says
I'd be interested in learning more about how to live more frugally when traveling (short of bringing all of our own groceries along on the plane!). 🙂
Angela F says
I'm a fan on Facebook!
Angela F says
I'm an email subscriber!
Jenn S. says
I love all the updates I get by being a fan of bargain blessings on Facebook!!
[email protected]
Jenn S. says
I am grateful to subscribe to your daily email!
[email protected]
Jenn S. says
I would love to be better organized with my couponing. I have been doing this about a month, and it has gotten easier. I still feel like I am too spread out and it takes too long to get the coupons together for a shopping trip.
Jenn S.
[email protected]
Wes says
I shared this giveaway with a friend at work today.
[email protected]
Wes says
I am now a Twitter follower.
[email protected]
Wes says
I would like to know more about how to balance having fun and gettings the things you need and want with spending less.
[email protected]
Wes says
I am now a Facebook fan.
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Wes says
I am now an email subscriber.
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Anna says
I'm in Spartanburg, South Carolina and I follow you on Facebook. Although I'm a long way away from you, your newsletters still help me save lots of money and find great deals! Thank you!
Anna Steadman
[email protected]
Anna says
I'm in Spartanburg, South Carolina and I subscribe to your daily newsletters. Although I'm a long way away from you, your newsletters still help me save lots of money and find great deals! Thank you!
Anna Steadman
[email protected]
Shelley says
How to get a spouse on board. He is getting a little better but we have a long way to go with him. 🙂 Thanks
Karen says
And I'm an email/google reader subscriber!
Karen says
I would love to learn how to decrease our utility bill!! We've cut out all other non-necessities (cable, high-speed internet, eating out, etc.) but our electric bill is steady as ever!
barefootandpoignant says
E-mail subscriber. Thanks!
[email protected]
barefootandpoignant says
I am hoping to get some info. about prescription meds savings. I have approximately 10 prescriptions per month, not including the count of several OTC meds I must take, as well. I need help with grocery savings too, plus anything and everything I can find to help save money in my family's day-to day living expenses. Thank you for this much needed giveaway!
[email protected]
Eva [email protected] says
I subscribe to your blog via e-mail
Eva [email protected] says
I would like to know about simple ways to organize my coupons
Patty D. says
I subscribe to your emails and I am loving the savings.
Michele says
I am an email subsciber.
Lisa says
i am a facebook follower.
Lisa says
i'm really curious about cutting the utility bill down. exciting!
April says
I am a fan of Bargain Blessing on facebook
April says
I subscribe to Bargain Blessing daily email
Ash Savage says
I posted this on my Facebook page!
Ash Savage says
I am now Twitter Follower!
Ash Savage says
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Ash Savage says
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Ash Savage says
I would like to learn more about frugal living beyond the shopping. Definitely about bringing down the utilities…
Sela says
Just tweeted the giveaway 🙂
Sela says
Already follow you on twitter 🙂
Sela says
Already a fan on facebook 🙂
Sela says
Just subscribed to the daily email 🙂
Sela says
I can't think of a single thing that you haven't already covered. Your blog is fantastic, thanks for all you do!
Sonja says
I would like to hear more about meal planning, especially freezer meal ideas to make in bulk to help save money. I'm always on the lookout for good, easy, freezer meal ideas. Thanks!
Sonja says
I'm a facebook fan. 😉
Angela says
I get your e-mails!
Angela says
I am a facebook fan!
Angela says
I would like to learn about a better way to stay organized.
Carrie C. says
email subscriber
Carrie C. says
email subscriber
Carrie C. says
email subscriber
Carrie C. says
oh yeah, facebook fan 🙂
Carrie C. says
oh yeah, facebook fan 🙂
Carrie C. says
oh yeah, facebook fan 🙂
Faith says
I just left a comment on facebook for all of my friends to see and get in on the book give away.
Carrie C. says
Wow, that sounds like a great book! I am a stay at home mom with three kids, and spending enough on diapers and formula each week to almost feed the rest of the family I have recently gotten into couponing to try and help, but unfortunately I still don't know many of the tricks. 🙁
Carrie C. says
Wow, that sounds like a great book! I am a stay at home mom with three kids, and spending enough on diapers and formula each week to almost feed the rest of the family I have recently gotten into couponing to try and help, but unfortunately I still don't know many of the tricks. 🙁
Carrie C. says
Wow, that sounds like a great book! I am a stay at home mom with three kids, and spending enough on diapers and formula each week to almost feed the rest of the family I have recently gotten into couponing to try and help, but unfortunately I still don't know many of the tricks. 🙁
Jessica says
I am a facebook fan
mom says
I subscribed to the daily email- and I love your site! Thanks.
Faith says
I would love to know more about saving on travel. My 20 yr anniversary is coming up and I want to get away with my hubby!
Faith says
I follow you on Twitter!
Faith says
I subscribe to the dail email.
Faith says
I am a Facebook fan.
Amy D. says
I am a facebook fan.
Amy D. says
I subscribed to the daily email.
Amy D. says
I would like to know more about how to simplify my coupon system. I feel like it takes forever for me to get my coupons together each week.