- Bargain Blessings - https://www.bargainblessings.com -

FREE TriCalm Cream Sample!


Head on over to the TriCalm website [1] to pre-order a FREE Sample of TriCalm Creme! [1] This can be used for rashes, itches, sunburn, or other skin issues! Please note you will sign up now, but will not receive your sample until June.

Here is the fine print:

Pre-order your TriCalm sample today. Your sample will ship in June.
Sample requests are currently limited to the United States.
Requests for samples outside the US will not be processed.
Must be 18 years or older to order a sample.
Limit of 1 per household.
Customers will receive a sample of TriCalm and an information pamphlet.
TriCalm will be available to purchase through our online store in the summer of 2012.

(Thanks Military Wives Saving [2]!)