You’ve been hearing me talk about these incredible oils for almost three years now…you’ve been wanting to get started, but have just been waiting for the best deal! Well here it is friends!! Get your Young Living Essential Oils Premium Starter Kit for just $135 today!! This kit has over $350 worth of oils and goodies inside, so yeah…you could say this is a *HOT* deal!! Get your Premium Starter Kit for $165 and then I’ll give you $25 in cash back in the form of an Amazon Gift Card or Paypal deposit (sent 30 days after you get your kit)! Here is the scoop…
First, let me tell you that I’ve not always been oily. In fact, when a friend first brought up oils to me (after I posted a cry for help on Facebook for a solution to my non existent energy levels after being sick for two months) I scoffed.
Then I saw her and a few other friends sharing about how they were starting to fall in love with these little bottles of oils and I decided to give them a try for myself…little did I know that decision would totally change my health and our lives in drastic ways for the better. It might totally sound like I’m exaggerating here but I give you my word – I am not.
That decision started our family on a journey toward getting the junk out of our home…cleaning products, personal care products, beauty products…the chemicals where everywhere – no wonder my body was struggling! It was overwhelming at first but little by little we made changes and oils were a HUGE part of those changes. Fast forward to today and I’m healthier and more energetic than I’ve ever been before in my life and that is something that I could never put a price tag on.
PS~If you want to know more about why I decided to go with Young Living check out this post.
A Premium Starter Kit is exactly what you’ll want to get if you’re wanting to get started with essential oils. It’s how I got started and how everyone I know got started as well! It’s by far the best value and you all know that I’m all about value! Here is what you’ll get inside:
-(10) 5ml full-size bottles of Young Living’s most popular oils
-a bonus oil (Stress Away) to bring your collection up to 11
-a Diffuser of Your Choice (can you believe it comes with a diffuser?! SUCH an awesome deal!)
-Oil Sample Packets
-Oil Sample Bottles
-Oil Information Cards
-2 Packets of NingXia Red
-1 Reusable Roller Fitment
I’m a visual person…anyone else out there? If you want to see exactly what you’ll be getting inside your Premium Starter kit (and get some ideas on how to use each of the oils) check out my video:
Want to know more about everything that is included in the NEW Premium Starter Kit? Check out my video above!
***Bonus: Get a $25 Amazon Gift Card Back from Me in This Month!***
Now this is Bargain Blessings and you know we are all about freebies around here, so I’ve decided to add a few to sweeten your starter kit deal even more! This deal is good only for those that sign-up this month – through the end of the month!!
Purchase a Premium Starter Kit by using the steps below and I’ll send you…
-$25 Amazon Gift Card to spend on anything your little heart desires <3
*Your gift card will be emailed by me personally 30 days after you order your kit. You must be currently enrolled under me (Bargain Blessings, member ID 1795378) to qualify for the free gift card.
And you’ll also get…
-Access to the exclusive Faithful Oils Hangout Facebook group so you can connect with over 1,900 other oily friends and learn how to use your oils – it’s the most amazingly supportive and fun group that I’ve ever been part of!
-Access to our exclusive Facebook classes and events!
-Support from me personally to help you get started!
If that’s not an amazing deal – I don’t know what is.
*This promotion is available for US and military residents only. Canada residents qualify for all freebies except for the $10 gift card (to help me cover the extra shipping expense for your welcome package).
And there you have it! Pretty great, huh?! Hands down the best investment I’ve ever made for so many different reasons!
Ready to get your kit? Follow these five simple steps:
1. Go HERE TO GET STARTED and as you’re ordering follow these steps:
2. Be sure to check the Wholesale Member check box (this should be selected by default) to get access to the starter kits and to save 24% off any future orders. You’ll also want to make sure that 1795378 is filled in as your enroller and sponsor – that will qualify you to get access to all our teams AMAZING support and resources.
3. Then choose the Premium Starter Kit you’d like (the kit with the Home Diffuser is $160, Rainstone is $205 and the Aria is $260). My favorite is the Home Diffuser for starters! Remember you will be getting $25 back from me to make the $160 kit just $135! If you want to know more about the diffuser options check out my video here:
4. Unless you are ready to dive in and know you want to be ordering often, go ahead and just say “No Thanks” for Step 3 about Essential Rewards. No need to worry about that right now!
5. Now’s a great time to add anything else if you want with your brand new 24% off discount. Each month Young Living releases an awesome promotion and these are the monthly freebies! Your starter kit counts for 100PV, so if you were to add 90PV more you would get a everything shown under 190PV in the graphic above for free – and same for the 250 and 300PV freebie levels. Some of my ad-ons suggestions are Thieves Cleaning Concentrate (the absolutely best and most cost efficient non-toxic cleaner), the Golden Touch Kit (amazing for immune support) Deep Relief (perfect for aches and pains), Oregano (another great one for immune support) and Believe (I love diffusing this one and wearing it as perfume – smells amazing). Let me know if you want support for anything specific and I’ll help – Young Living has hundreds of oils and supplements so there is lots to pick from depending on what your needs are!
*Keep in mind that the freebies on the graphic above that are labeled as {ER Exclusive} are just for Essential Rewards orders – Young Living’s optional monthly wellness box program that you can always sign up for down the road if you choose to – or you can sign-up now if you know you’re wanting to dive in right away.
Follow the process all the way through to the end, where you will receive a confirmation email! Let me know if you don’t get that order confirmation email for any reason. Once you’ve ordered a kit make sure to watch for a welcome email from me so you can let me know if you’d like a $25 Amazon Gift Card. I’ll also include a link for you to join our private Facebook group in that email – you definitely do not want to miss out on all the fun and giveaways that happen in the group, so make sure to join us!
Have any questions? Leave a comment below or shoot me an email at!
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