Disney is currently running a pretty sweet deal on their Disney Backpacks and Lunchboxes. Check out how you can get both for just $15.68 shipped or less:
1. Head on over to Ebates and log-in or sign-up. Search for The Disney Store and use their link to get to the Disney website.
2. Select a character backpack and add it to your cart for a total of $16.50.
3. Select a character lunch-bag and add it to your cart.
4. The lunch bag will change to zero during checkout since it is FREE with the purchase of a backpack.
5. Use the code SCHOOLSHIP to get free shipping!
6. You will see your 5% Ebates cashback in your Ebates account within a week or so. If you are a new Ebates member you will also get a $5 credit on your account bringing the final cost of your purchase down to just $10.68! Wow!
(Thanks For the Mommas!)
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