I’ve been receiving many requests from local Colorado readers for a new Denver Post deal, so I’m really excited to bring this popular one back! Through next Friday, July 6th Bargain Blessings will be offering a $5 King Soopers gift card for each new Denver Post subscription, and you can get up to 5 per household! This means that you can get up to five copies of the Denver Post delivered right to your door for as low as $1.25 each.
Most weekends, the Denver Post comes packed full of hundreds of dollars worth of coupons, so this is a great valuet. If you are new to couponing and you do not have a subscription to the Sunday paper already, it is definitely something that you will want to get. Just about every week the Sunday paper comes packed full of coupons that make all of our deals possible! Wondering why you would want to get more than one subscription? More papers = more coupons. It’s that simple. When the next big deal or freebie comes around, you’ll want those extra coupon inserts that will make it possible for you to stock up!
Below are your Sunday Only subscription options. If you would like to order something other than a Sunday only subscription you can e-mail me at jennie (at) bargainblessings (dot) com for those options. Please keep in mind that for the most part we only receive coupons on Sunday, so if you are getting the paper for the coupons I would recommend sticking with the options below.
Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and other I25 Corridor Areas
*if you are not sure if you fall inside of this area, please view this Denver Post Map, if you are inside the red line this is the subscription area that you are in
Sunday + Holidays Only Delivery -20 Weeks $30 ($1.50 per week)
-$5 King Soopers Gift Card
=$25 per paper (only $1.25 per week)!
Sunday + Holidays Only Delivery -52 Weeks $78 ($1.50 per week)
-$5 King Soopers Gift Card
=$73 per paper ($1.40 per week)!
*or sign-up for this option with Easy Pay ($6.50 per month), this works out to be $1.40 per week also!
*The reason that you might want to consider the longer option is because you will not have to deal with renewing through the Denver Post for an entire year.
Western Slope (Grand Junction and San Luis Valley)
*if you are not sure if you fall inside of this area, please view this Denver Post Map, if you are outside the red line this is the subscription area that you are in. There are some areas that the Denver Post does not deliver to. If you happen to live in one of these areas I will notify you by e-mail.
Sunday Only Delivery -26 Weeks $39 ($1.50 per week)
-$5 King Soopers Gift Card
=$34 per paper (only $1.30 per week)!
Sunday + Holidays Only Delivery -52 Weeks $78 ($1.50 per week)
-$5 King Soopers Gift Card
=$55 per paper ($1.40 per week)!
Now here are a few very important details to note, before you place your order. Please make sure to read through this entire list.
*Your credit card will be charged for the total amount of the subscription. For example, if you order two 20 week Sunday subscriptions in the Denver area, your card will be charged for $60. You will then receive a $10 King Soopers gift card from the Denver Post.
*Gift Cards will be mailed out directly from the Denver Post 2-4 weeks after your subscription starts. If you have any trouble receiving your gift card, please contact the Denver Post directly at 303-832-3232.
*You will receive a $5 King Soopers gift card for each subscription that you order. For example, if you order five subscriptions, you will receive a $25 King Soopers gift card!
*You can expect your subscription(s) to start the Sunday after you place your order as long as your order is placed by Tuesday morning at 8:00am.
*This offer is only valid for new or additional subscriptions and cannot be used to modify existing subscriptions or subscriptions that have been active in the past 30 days. If you already receive one Sunday paper and you place an order for four additional papers, you will start receiving five delivered papers each week. This rule also applies for those of you who have subscribed through Bargain Blessings in the past. If you previously ordered three papers through Bargain Blessings, the most that you can order through this deal is two.
*This promotional deal through Bargain Blessings is only good once. When your subscription(s) runs out you will receive an offer to renew your subscription from the Denver Post. Please keep in mind that if you do not cancel your subscription when they send you your renewal notice and you keep receiving papers, they will bill you for them.
*If your newspaper does not start as you expected or if you did not receive the correct amount of papers please call the Denver Post to request redelivery. Their phone number is 303-832-3232. If for any reason they cannot help you please feel free to e-mail me.
You can go HERE to place your order.
I hope that helps to answer all your questions! If you have any others please feel free to leave a comment or contact me at jennie (at) bargainblessings (dot) com
Jenn says
Any chance that this is still live, or is there a similar deal now?
Thanks Jennie!
Laura says
I’m wondering the same thing!
Lori says
Will this deal be offered again, since I see it is expired?
Jennie says
Go ahead and subscribe Lori and I’ll make sure you get in on it.
Emilee says
Just Checking….I did this when You had the coupon class in November. Can I do it right now so I don’t run into renewal issues?
Emilee says
….I meant December!
Jennie says
When did your subscription expire Emilee? It needs to be expired for at least 30 days.
Lori says
I did this deal last time it was posted and never received my gift cards, when I called the denver post I was told you were not affiliated with them and have no record of any gift cards to be given? Not sure what to do? thanks
Jennie says
Lori~ Thank you very much for letting me know. I just sent an e-mail to the Director of Circulation at the post and will get back to you with there response as soon as possible. I certainly am a contracted seller of the Denver Post, so unfortunately the information that was given to you is incorrect. Do you happen to remember the name of the person you spoke with?
Lori says
The woman I spoke with in customer service was Juanita, she never asked me your name or anything but I did explain I signed up through your blog, maybe she misunderstood me but she did not see any gift cards for my acoount anyway.
Jennie says
Lori~ I’m sorry that they gave you incorrect information. The director of circulation looked into this and said that the gift cards were sent out. They are however, going to send out a new set (via certified mail), so you should be getting them soon. Please let me know if you do not.
lori says
Thanks Jennie! I hope to get them soon.