If you are a Yoga fan in the North Western Denver area you will definitely want to take a look at Groupon’s Denver deal today! They are offering $49 for Six Weeks of Unlimited Classes at Bikram Yoga of Colorado ($195 Value).
Bikram Yoga has locations in Wesminster and in Longmont. Here is a little bit about Birkram:
Bikram Yoga of Colorado offers a schedule of 90-minute transformational, challenging, and energizing workouts for all levels in its 1,300-square-foot heated yoga room. Bikram yoga consists of 26 poses and two breathing exercises that center, strengthen, and lengthen every muscle with the muscle-melting powers of a 100-plus-degree room. It’s designed to cater to all skill levels, allowing practitioners to choose the rigor of each workout. Sweat out toxins and enjoy mind-expanding stretches while breathing deeply; afterward, you’ll leave focused, with a cleansed, centered, and worry-free glow. Long-term benefits include increased flexibility, strength, balance, lung capacity, and the ability to will a horsefly out of the room.
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