Here are my favorite CVS deals this week! Happy shopping!
Make sure to check out my friend Brittany’s CVS post for a complete round-up of this week’s deals!
Speedstick Stainguard Deodorant 2.3-2.oz $2.99, Earn $2 ECB (Limit 1)
-.50 MQ (5/1 SS) or Speed Stick Coupon
Right Guard Sport, Xtreme, Total Defense, or Dry Idea deodorant 2-4oz $2.99, Earn $1 ECB wyb 2 (Limit 2)
-BOGO MQ (5/1 RP)
=.49 each!
Dial or Tone Bar Soap 2-3pk $1.88, Earn $1 ECB (Limit 1)
V8 Splash 64oz or Vegetable Juice 46oz 2/$5, Earn $1 ECB (Limit 1)
-(2) .75 V8 Coupons or $1/2 V8 Coupon or MQ (4/3 SS)
=$1.25 each!
Select Nivea products, Earn $5 ECB wyb $15 (Limit 1)
Buy 3 Nivea Body Wash 16.9oz or Shower Gel 8.4oz at $4.88 each
Buy 1 Nivea Lipcare $3.99 (online price)
-B2G1 MQ found inthe June issue of All You Magazine
-(2) $1 Body Wash MQs found in the May issue of All You Magazine
-$1 Lip Care MQ found in the May issue of All You Magazine
-$5 ECB
=$1.43 each!
Aussie or Herbal Essences Shampoo, Conditioner 10.1-13.5oz or Styler 6-14oz 2/$5.97 (Limit 1), Earn $2 ECB
-.50 MQ (5/1 PG)
=$1.48 each
Neutrogena Sun care or sunless tanning .47-6.7oz, Earn $10 ECB wyb 2 (Limit 1)
Buy (2) Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock Spf 30 at $9.99 each (online price)
-(2) $2 Neutrogena Coupons
-$10 ECB
=$2.99 each!
Scott Choose-A-Size mega rolls 6pk 2/$10, Earn $2 ECB (Limit 1)
-$1 MQ (4/3 SS)
=$3 each wyb 2
John Frieda Precision Foam Colour $11.99, Earn $2 ECB (Limit 1)
-$5 MQ (5/1 SS)
Fruitopia, Pert Plus, or Finesse Shampoo, Conditioner 13-13.5oz or Styler 4.6-8.5oz 2/$5
-$1 Finesse MQ (5/8 SS) or found in the May issue of All You Magazine
-$2 Finess Rebate
=.50 Money Maker!
Pine-sol Cleaner 28 oz, Tilex Mold & Mildew 16 oz, S.O.S Pads 1 ct 2/$4
-$2/2 MQ found in the April issue of All You Magazine or $1 Pine-Sol Coupon
=$1 at best!
Edge, Skintimate Shave Gel or Cream $1.99
-.55 MQ found in the April issue of All You Magazine
Jennie says
You are buying one for $2.50.
Darlene says
How can 2/$5 with $1 coupon & $2 rebate make it a money maker?
Fruitopia, Pert Plus, or Finesse Shampoo, Conditioner 13-13.5oz or Styler 4.6-8.5oz 2/$5
-$1 Finesse MQ (5/8 SS) or found in the May issue of All You Magazine
-$2 Finess Rebate
=.50 Money Maker!