A few months ago my Mom was hinting at a birthday gift that she was interested in called a Clarisonic Mia. I’d heard of the face cleansing product a few times before, but my Mom seemed to be pretty excited about it so I decided that it was time to do a little more research on this “oh so great” Mia. I have to say that I was pretty surprised to find many great reviews; I mean, what could this thing do that a washcloth and some facial cleanser couldn’t?
After contacting the Mia team they were kind enough to send me one to try out for myself. For the past two months I’ve been using my Mia two times each day as instructed. At first I was a little concerned that it might be too harsh on my sensitive skin, but it wasn’t at all. I also love, love, love that it can be used in the shower…this is my favorite feature of all. The gentle bristles on the rotating brush do an awesome job at cleaning out the dirt and grime that love to clog up those pores. I have a terrible habit of constantly touching my face throughout the day, so thorough cleaning is very necessary.
Since receiving my Mia, I’ve noticed a dramatic improvement in the appearance of my skin. So much so that I’ve been able to decrease how often I’m using my prescription face cream! The other funny thing is that just last week, one of my aunts called me to make sure that I would be getting my Mom a Mia for her birthday, because if I didn’t, she was going to. Apparently I’m not the only one that is a big fan.
Now here is the exciting part for you! Clarisonic has generously provided me with a Mia to give away to a Bargain Blessings reader!
Here are your options for entering this giveaway:
1. Leave a comment to share if you win, will you keep this Mia for yourself or give it away to a friend or family member.
2. Become a Bargain Blessings Daily Deal E-mail subscriber. Leave a comment telling me you’ve done so.
*Subscription must be verified to count as a qualified entry
3. Become a Bargain Blessings Facebook Liker and leave a comment letting me know you’ve done so.
*Facebook like must be verified to count as a qualified entry
Please make sure to leave a separate comment for each entry method you complete. E-mailing me is not a valid entry.
The winner will be selected Sunday (April 22nd) at 10:00PM MT!
*This giveaway and post is sponsored by Clarisonic.
*By entering this giveaway you are agreeing to the Bargain Blessings Giveaway Rules and Disclosures.
Kristine says
I would keep this one for myself. My mom & I already share a Clarisonic Mia & use separate brush heads, of course, but I would love to have one of my own!!
I’m going to sign up for your email & follow you on Facebook right now!
amy w says
please pick me:) i love your fb
keyonna says
I would keep it for myself. I’ve struggled with acne for many years and am currently dealing with the scarring. The Mia would help me tremendously!
Robin says
I like you on Facebook.
Robin says
I’m an email subscriber.
Robin says
I think I’ll keep it for myself. I have wanted one of these for a while. Thanks!
Virginia says
I like Bargain Blessings on Facebook.
Ria says
I’ve been hoping to try one of these for months, so would keep it. Thanks for the giveaway!
Rie says
i have been wanting to get this for a while now and would love to try it out! thanks for the opportunity!
Rie says
I subscribed through email!
Kerrin says
This would go to my daughter…
Margaret says
I would keep the Mia if I won it! I have struggled with acne and bad skin since I was in my early teens. Nothing seems to work. I would love nothing more than clear skin!!
Lynette says
I follow you facebook.
Terri via Facebook says
I’m a ‘liker’ and would love to have this product. Unsure if this is where I”m s;posed to leave my comments or not though
Carmen Aguirre says
I would keep this wonderful gift. I would appreciate a nice gift.
Jacque says
I Like Bargain Blessing on Facebook.
Jacque says
I am a subscriber.
Jacque says
I would totally keep this for myself . . .but my teenager would probably be swiping it.
Beth says
Sounds amazing! With two teenage daughters, I might get to use it while they’re in school!
Kristi R says
I would give the Clarisonic Mia to my teenage daughter who is always looking for a way to improve her skin
Amy Pace says
I Like Bargain Blessings on Facebook!!
Amy Pace says
I am signed up for daily email alerts and love it!!
Amy Pace says
I would keep it
Amanda K. says
I am a subscriber to your e-mail and have you liked (if not loved) on FB.
I would love to win one of these. I have been drooling over them ever since they came out. My birthday isn’t until September so I guess I have to win one instead.
Thanks for giving one away, you’re awesome!
Kim Weeks says
I likes you facebook page!!
Kim Weeks says
I subscibed to your email!!
Kim Weeks says
…Keep it for me, i mean!
Kim Weeks says
I would kepp it for me!!!
Michelle says
I would love to have one for myself.
Byte says
I would keep this for myself. Thanks for the chance to win!
Lisa Jestes says
Have subscribed to the emails. Thanks again.
Byte says
I follow you on Facebook.
Tiffany Robertson says
Liked you on Facebook! Thanks!
Lisa Jestes says
I have liked ur fb page, and subscribed to email.
Byte says
I am a Bargain Blessings Daily Deal E-mail subscriber.
Lisa Jestes says
I would probably give this to my 14 year old niece. She is having a tough time dealing with acne, and as we all know nothing is worse for a teenager than acne. Im sure this would help her alot. Thanks for the chance to win.
Kristi F. says
I’m a Bargain Blessings Facebook Liker
Anne E says
I would keep it for myself, but if I liked it how much I think I would, it’s a great gift idea for others and I love all the available colors!
Courtney via Facebook says
I hope to win and would keep this for myself.
Alison says
I’d keep it and use it. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Tonya Atkinson says
Entry #3 I am already a FB liker….don’t know of that counts:)
Rhea Williamson says
I would definitely keep it for myself!!!
Rhea Williamson says
I recieve your emails!
Tonya Atkinson says
Entry #2 I signed up for the email newsletter:)
Tonya Atkinson says
Entry #1 I would keep it for me:)
Rhea Williamson says
I follow you on Facebook!
Keila Oliver says
I just became an email subscriber!
Hawna says
I am a Facebook “liker” and have been for a while.
Keila Oliver says
I like you on Facebook, and that’s how I found out about this giveaway!
Hawna says
I am a Bargain Blessings email subscriber.
Keila Oliver says
I will TOTALLY keep it for myself!
Trish Williams says
I would keep it for myself
Trish Williams says
These things rule!
Trish Williams says
I subscribe to your newsletter
EllenL says
I’m a Bargain Blessings Facebook Liker
Desiree Ranallo says
I would keep it if I win, however I still live with my mother – So, I would share it with her.
Trish Williams says
I liked you on Facebook
Kristi F. says
I meant “he” would choose – in the previous post
EllenL says
confirmed subscriber here
Desiree Ranallo says
I have you liked on facebook~
Hawna says
I’ll keep it for myself. After having 4 boys, my skin has acquired some blotchy brown spots. I’m hoping this will help!
Kristi F. says
I would give it to my teenage son. His favorite team is the Celtics so I would guess green would be the color her would choose
Desiree Ranallo says
I’ve subscribed to the newsletter.
Courtney says
I also am an email subscriber…
Courtney says
I liked your page on fb.
EllenL says
I will keep this Mia for myself
Courtney says
I will keep it for me!!! I am sure my pores need it!
Jessica F says
I like Bargain Blessings on facebook!
Jessica F says
I’d keep it for me
Virginia says
I’m a Bargain Blessings Daily Deal E-mail subscriber!
Kim D. says
I “like” your FB page.
Kim D. says
I’m a E-mail subscriber.
Kim D. says
I would keep this for myself.
Sara says
Liked on facebook :)… Sara May
Sara says
subscribed to daily deal emails.. email sara1989@email.phoenix.edu
Sara says
I would definitely keep it for myself. I have extremely sensitive skin, psoriasis and contact dermatitis. My problem is finding things that actually work on my skin. I have suffered from acne sense I was very young (age 7 believe it or not started in 3rd grade) and it has always played a very hard toll in my life. I have a very hard time finding anything that will work on my skin as it is either to harsh or the chemicals break me out. I have tried everything from the expensive 60-70 dollar washes to just plain Ivory soap. I later developed psoriasis and contact dermatitis on my arms, feet, and occasionally get it on my eyes. I have wanted to try one of these for so long as I heard they work marvels on sensitive skin…
amy pugmire says
fb fan of yours. amy bolda pugmire
amy pugmire says
email subscriber.
amy pugmire says
I would love to give this to my sister in law
Katrina says
I like you on facebook
Katrina says
I receive the daily emails
Katrina says
I will keep it for myself
Jennifer M. says
I’d keep it for myself. : )
Jennifer M. says
I am a fan on facebook.
Jennifer Meier says
I would love this! I am an email subscriber.
Paulette says
I have read so many good things about the Mia, I will love to try it. The shower use is great news!
Brittany says
I’m also a daily-digest subscriber. Love it.
Brittany says
I think I’d keep this for myself! Love that it can be used in the shower, and could take the place of multiple other “getting pretty” steps!
Lisa S. says
I am a daily email subscriber.
Lisa S. says
I like you on facebook.
Lisa S. says
I don’t know if I’d keep it for myself after reading your great review, or give it to my 11 year old daughter who is starting to battle some pimples! I’ve never even heard of this product, but it sounds great.
Michelle Cook says
I would give it to my 15 year old daughter. Thanks for the chance to win!
Autumn says
I “like” you on facebook
Autumn says
I am a daily e-mail subscriber
Autumn says
I would keep it for myself. I have had the worst skin this last year…I thought that bad skin was only for teenagers!
Virginia says
If I won, I would keep it for myself because I have been wanting one for the longest time!!
Angela says
I’m also already signed up for your e-mails.

Angela says
I already like you on facebook.
Angela says
I would keep it for myself, since I’ve never tried anything like it before
Thank you for the giveaway.
Jazmin says
I’ve signed up to get daily emails.
Jazmin says
I like you on facebook.
Jazmin says
I would keep it for myself.
Marilyn says
I’ll keep it for me!
Jamie Brigham says
Facebook Fan of Yours- Jamie Brigham *FB name*
Jamie Brigham says
email subscriber using listed email address
Jamie Brigham says
I will keep it for myself, My skin needs some help.
Christina l says
Email subscriber
Christina l says
I will keep it.
Stacy says
I am an email subscriber.
Rebecca says
Became a daily subscriber today! Hurray!!!
Leslie says
I would keep this myself or share it with my husband. It is just a girl thing? My husband has “issues” with his facial skin and maybe this would help?!
Jodiann says
I’m a FB liker!
Jodiann says
I would keep it! thanks for the giveaway!
Maureen says
I would keep this for myself and then if I like it which it looks like I would, I would probably end up getting one for my mom!
Marisa S says
I am a subscriber!
Marisa S says
I have been plagued with acne for almost 15 years and my skin is too sensitive for most treatments! I would definitely keep this for myself!
Dusty says
I would keep it for myself if I won!! I’ve been researching these, trying to see which is worth buying.
Julie says
I will DEFINITELY be keeping this for myself!! I’m turning 30 this year and am realizing that I better start doing some major skin care, and soon!
Sue P says
I’m a facebook liker and subscriber please enter me in the giveaway
Lisa via Facebook says
Just learned about you from my cousin…love all your research. Otherwise I would not be getting any bargins. Thanks.
Gina says
I have always wanted to try one of these! I just did not know if the money spent was worth it because I figured the brushes would hurt my face. After hearing that it made a huge improvement, I am definitely going to keep this for myself if I win. If not, I am investing in one!
Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!
Missy says
I would keep it – with my acne prone skin all the help is needed
Missy says
Email reader !
Missy says
Fb fan !
Dorothy McBride says
I am a facebook liker of Bargain Blessings & love it!
Dorothy McBride says
I am already a daily email subscriber to bargain blessings.
Dorothy McBride says
I’m so looking forward to using my new Clarisonic Mia when I win! Definitely would keep for myself. Something to combat the againg process is welcome!
Dorothy via Facebook says
I like you, Bargain Blessings for a long time! I’m looking forward to using my new clarisonic mia!
Karl says
If I win, I’ll give it away to a low-income family that I know.
Lei says
I am already a fan of Bargain Blessings on Facebook
Lei says
I am already a Bargain Blessings Daily Deal E-mail subscriber
Lei says
If I won, I’d keep it for myself cuz my facial skin could really use it after having two kids
Kristin says
I am a fan on facebook!!!
Kristin says
I am an email subscriber.
Kristin says
I would keep it for myself – a great belated birthday gift since my birthday is on Saturday!
Kari W says
I am a facebook fan!
Kari W says
I subscribe to your emails.
Kari W says
I would keep it for me and my total problem skin!
Karen says
I would love a Mia!!
Harmony says
I’ve “liked” you on Facebook.
Harmony says
Already subscribe to your newsletter!
Harmony says
I will keep it for myself, of course!
Carolyne says
O wow! I could totally use this for myself!
Stephanie H. says
If I win, I will be keeping it! I have had my eye on this clarisonic for a loooonnng time!
I am a facebook liker and an e-mail subscriber!!
Elyse says
I am already an email subscriber and have liked you on Facebook. Thanks for the great site and help with fabulous deals! I was walking around showing off my grocery receipt for way too long this Sunday!
Elyse says
This mama deserves something nice! I will be keeping this one!
Amy says
i am now an email subscriber!
Crystal Summerlin says
This looks so cool! I like Bargain Blessings on FB and am a subscriber.
Lori says
I am a subscriber now!! YAY
This would be a nice prize for a stay at home mommy of 3 to help herself feel like a real woman again!!
Jen Dyer says
I have “liked” you on Facebook.
Jen Dyer says
I am an email subscriber!!
Jen Dyer says
I have been wanting one of these forever!!! I would definitely use it on my acne prone face. I think I would LOVE it.
Neave says
I would love to try this for myself! I get your daily e-mails!
Paola says
I am an email subscriber.
Paola says
I like you on FB!
Paola says
I would love this. I am keeping it for myself.
I like you on facebook.
Get your emails
It sound to good to give away, I’d have to keep it.
Shannon V says
Like you on facebook.
Shannon V says
Email subscriber.
Shannon V says
I would keep this for myself.
Melinda B says
I am a fan of Bargain Blessings on facebook!
Melinda B says
I receive the Bargain Blessings emails
Melinda B says
I would keep this for myself. I recently went off of bc and my face desperately needs some help!
Angie Noden says
I’m a FB fan!
Angie Noden says
I would give it to a friend, I love mine so much!
Nicole says
i like you on facebook.
Nicole says
i am an email subscriber
Nicole via Facebook says
i like you..
Danyelle says
I would love to try this out!
Laura says
And I am a email subscriber also.
Laura says
I am a face book liker.
Laura says
I would probably give it to my daughter
Andrea says
I am a facebook fan.
Andrea says
I am an existing email subscriber.
Andrea says
I would love to win this prize. I have never tried of it before.
lissa boillot says
thanks for the opportunity to win one of these…..I have always wanted one!
Heather says
I “like” you on Facebook
Heather says
I subscribe to the emails
Heather says
I have wanted to try one of these myself for awhile now. I just have not had the money to get one : ) I would love to try it out and rave about how great it is to my family and friends!
Sarah says
I am a liker on facebook.
Sarah says
I am an email subscriber.
Sarah says
I will probably keep it for myself, but I have a few Moms’ birthdays coming up. Thanks, Jennie!
April B says
I also receive your daily emails, still hope I win I will keep it for myself!!
April B says
I like you on facebook, hope I win I will keep it for myself!!
Ashley Meredith says
I am an email subscriber as well yay! Hope i win!!
Ashley Meredith says
I liked your page on facebook! Hope I win
Ashley Meredith says
I’d keep it for myself!!
Tricia says
I will give this one to a friend, who just turn 50.
Rachel says
I’m a facebook liker!
Rachel says
I’m a daily email subscriber
Rachel says
I will keep it for myself & give it a try–I also have sensitive skin, so I’m approaching this product with a degree of hesitance.
Tracy Davidson says
I subscribe to your daily email. :$
Paula says
I like you on facebook
Paula says
I am an email subscriber.
Paula says
I would keep it for myself.
Sunnie says
I like you on facebook.
Sunnie says
Iam an email subscriber.
Sunnie says
I think I would try it on my own face.
Marybeth Brush says
I will keep this for myself!
Stephanie F. says
I would keep it.
Barbara via Facebook says
I like you, and hope I win!
Amanda via Facebook says
Just liked your page, hope I win. Thank you for all the good deals.
April says
Would love to win one! I actually would give it to my Hubby, as he has always had trouble with his skin and I am hoping that this would get him regularly do it before bed. (but if it’s a girly color, I will call it mine & have to get himone, as he won’t want to claim it as his own) =)
Dana says
I liked you on facebook, too!
Dana says
I subscribed to your daily emails!
Cindy says
Fan on fb.
Polly via Facebook says
just liked! really hope i can win one ! xox.
Dana says
I would keep it for myself. I wanted one of these for Christmas, but I guess it’s never too late!
Cindy says
I will keep it.
Kristina says
Hi, I liked you on facebook! Thanks for this opportunity to win. Have a great day!!
Kristina via Facebook says
I just liked you and I hope I win the Clarisonic Mia. Thank you! Have a nice day!!
Faith Y says
I like BB on Facebook!
Faith Y says
I’m subscribed!
Faith Y says
I would keep it for me as my skin could really use it!
Erin Leyba says
I have also like you on Facebook!
Erin Leyba says
I would keep this for me… and then most likely purchase them for birthdays for the girls in my family! Sounds amazing!
Linda Tilelli says
I like Bargain Blessings on FB.
Linda Tilelli says
I am an email suscriber
Mommy Kane says
And as far as keeping it or giving it…
He also uses RX skin cream, so it would be nice for him to see results another way. Granted I might want to steal it from him.
I really should give it to my hubby.
I love that they have it in green!!
Linda Tilelli says
I am a Bargain Blessings email suscriber and liker on FB. I would keep it for myself.
Sherry says
I’d keep it for me.
Mommy Kane says
I also ‘like’ (LOVE) you on FB

Mommy Kane says
I am an email subscriber.
Sarah S says
I liked Bargain Blessings on facebook
My facebook username is whimaway
Tracy Davidson says
I LOVE you on FB!
Bridget says
I follow you on facebook.
Bridget says
I receive your daily emails.
Sarah S says
I subscribed to the email newsletter with the email I am using to comment.
Tracy Davidson says
I would keep it!
Bridget says
I would give it to my son who is starting to have that teenage skin !
Sarah S says
I would keep it for me.
Rebecca says
Would love, love, love to have this for myself….getting older and every little thing helps, ya know??? Thank you for giving us the opportunity to try one for ourselves!
Susanne via Facebook says
am also a liker and have plenty of wrinkles to try it on
April says
I follow you on facebook. I feel that is the best way to stay up to speed on the best deals that I don’t want to miss out on.
April says
I receive your daily emails and have for a couple of years.
April says
I would give this to my husband, although I think one for myself would be nice too.
Amy says
Selfish me will get this pretty!
Sara Logan says
Liked on Facebook!
Sara Logan says
Subscribed via email!
Melanie {Life.Love.Inspire.} says
I have subscribed and confirmed email subscription with Bargain Blessings. (lifeloveinspire@gmail.com)
Kim R says
I follow BB on FB!
Melanie {Life.Love.Inspire.} says
I am following you on FB (lifeloveinspire)
Kim R says
I already subscribe to BB emails!!
Kim R says
Is it bad to say I want to keep it for myself? Especially since it is great for sensitive skin?
Melanie {Life.Love.Inspire.} says
I would keep it for myself. I’ve heard SO many good things about the Clarisonic Mia!
Lindsey says
I would keep it for myself!
Karen Skutt says
I’d be keeping thismfor me-Imwas looking at these at Ulta just today -they’re a bit pricey for my budget, but I sure would like one!
Kelda Adair says
I already like Bargain Blessings on FB
Kelda Adair says
I would give this one away because I already have one and LOVE it!
Kimberly says
I have been wanting a Clarisonic for a LONG time, I just haven’t been able to afford one. I would keep the Clarisonic for myself.
I am also a subscriber, and I like you on facebook.
Amanda says
I will keep this for me, at 30 years old I still have problem skin and it would be wonderful if I could win this.
Rebekah says
I would be keeping it for myself…I too have sensitive skin, and would love to try this out!
Justyna says
I would keep it for myself. I used to have Neutrogena one, but it stopped working.
teenna says
Just subscribed to your emails.
Anne via Facebook says
i would definitely keep it for myself, and if it works as well as everyone says, it may become a new gift idea!
Melissa says
I will keep it for me!
teenna says
I ‘liked’ Bargain Blessing on Facebook.
Emilee says
I have “liked” you on Facebook 4Ever now!!!!
Kat via Facebook says
I am a liker on your page!
Evelyn via Facebook says
i completed my email subscription, i hope! i followed all your steps, now good luck to me!
Emilee says
I love getting your daily emails. They are very convenient for my busy days when I can’t check the site often!
Aileen says
I “like” bargain blessings on Facebook!
Aileen says
I have had one of these on my wish list forever! I would keep it!
Emilee says
I own a Clarisonic and Love It! Love It! Love It!!! I would give it to my sister who is pregnant with baby #4! I know she would love it also!!!
Brenda G says
I’m a daily email subscriber
Evelyn via Facebook says
i have liked bargain blessings from the moment i saw you…
Brenda G says
I would keep it for myself.
Brenda G says
I follow you on facebook.
Pam says
I subscribed to your email subscription
Pam says
I liked you on Facebook!
Pam says
I would keep it for myself!
Stacy Turk says
Would love to win one of these!!!
Emilie says
I would love to try the Mia!!
adrienne says
this looks super fun – i’ll be selfish and keep it for me!
Teresa Johnson says
My 15 yr old daughter has this severe rash type thing on her arms, face, etc.. It’s inheritable and 2 of my other children are starting to show signs of it coming on. This tool has been used by many medical professionals to help make this rash type thing not so bothering, noticeable, etc.. My oldest would LOVE this
Teresa Johnson says
I liked you on facebook
Teresa Johnson says
I’m a daily email subscriber
Kimberly Smick says
I Folsom signed up for your emails.
Kimberly Smick says
I follow you on FB!
Kimberly Smick says
I would have to keep it for myself. Thank you for the giveaway!
sarah says
I already signed up for the daily email too!
sarah says
I already like you on facebook
sarah says
I would definitely keep it for myself! I have skin issues and would love to try something that could help. Thank you for the opportunity to win
Mandy Reed says
I would keep it for me:) Thanks for the chance to win!
Irene Williams says
I liked you on fb
Beverly Lee says
I like you on facebook
Irene Williams says
I would keep it for myself
Christie says
I would keep it for myself… I have wanted one for a while! Thanks for the chance to win
Beverly says
I will probably be keeping this for myself!
Christy says
I would give it to my mom for mother’s day
Emilie S. says
I subscribed to your emails. (emvark at gmail dot com)
Christy says
like you on facebook
Christy says
signed up for your emails
Emilie Storrs says
I already like you on facebook
Melissa says
I’ve always wondered if the Clarisonic Mia was everything I’ve heard about it. i would love to try it out myself!
P.S. I like you on FaceBook and subscribe to your email newsletter.
Emilie S. says
I’d keep it for myself — I could use extra help with pores, too!
Nicole P. says
I’ve liked your Facebook page for a while now!
Nicole P. says
I would keep it to try on myself! If I love it, I know what my Christmas gifts will be this year!
Jennifer Schalhamer says
I’d love it for me! Thanks for the chance to win one!
Amy says
I would have to keep it and try it for myself
Priscilla says
I signed up for your e-mails!
Sara Logan says
I would keep this for myself
Priscilla says
I like you on Facebook!
Priscilla says
I have a Clarisonic and I LOVE it! I would give the Mia away to my close friend, who I know would also love it!
Jeanette B says
I like you on FB
Jeanette B says
I’m an email subscriber.
Tonya Payne says
I like you on Facebook.
Jeanette B says
Oooh, definitely keep it for myself!
Tonya Payne says
Probably would have to try this.
Laura H says
I would keep it for myself!
Laura H says
follow you on facebook
Trinh says
I like you on Facebook!
Trinh says
I have subscribed to your email list!
Trinh says
I would keep it for myself. I’ve always had acne prone skin and still do. I was actually looking at a cheaper alternative previously because they are quite pricey but people still recommended the Mia!
Sara Serna says
I’m a subscriber!
Melody Benschoter says
I like you on fb!
Melody Benschoter says
Oh I could totally use one of these for my acne prone skin!
BarbH says
I will keep it for me! Thanks!
Sara Serna says
I’ll keep it for me.
Thanks for the chance to win!