The August Denver Couponing 101 class is just a few days away and is almost completely full! If you have not already reserved your spot, please do so today!
Couponing 101 is perfect for anyone who is just getting started in couponing, would like to learn more, or for those who just want to hang out with a bunch of like-minded individuals for a few hours. We will have some fun discussing all of the basic couponing concepts including stockpiling, stacking coupons, eCoupons, couponing at grocery stores and more!
Couponing 101
Saturday, August 13th
South Suburban Christian Church
7275 S. Broadway
Littleton, CO 80122
Cost: $5 per person (paid by cash or check at the class). This will go toward some light snacks and printing the marterials for the class.
If you are not able to afford it, I would still love for you to attend. Please just send me an e-mail or let me know when you arrive.
RSVP: Reserve your spot by going HERE.
Childcare is not available at this class, and all you need to bring for the class are your questions! 🙂
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