I am so excited to announce that there is a new Bargain Blessings Community that includes a forum to chat about deals, ask questions, get to know each other and just have some fun! This is a work in progress, and it will eventually be hosted directly on the Bargain Blessings website, but for now you can access it and see what other community members are chatting about buy looking for the above widget on the sidebar of the website.
You will need to take a moment to register to be able to participate in the community. Don’t forget to complete your profile too!
I will be selecting a few readers to become moderators on the forum during the next few months, so keep that in the back of your mind if that is something you would like to do. Stay tuned for further details on this.
Lastly, anyone who starts or participates in a discussion now though Wednesday, will be entered to win a 1 year Subscription to All You magazine! You can enter up to five times and you can also gain an extra entry by inviting your friends to become a fan of Bargain Blessings on Facebook and leaving a comment here to let me know you’ve done so!
PS: If this is your first time seeing this, the current Bargain Blessings Facebook have a little bit of a head start on you since I announced the community to the on Sunday night. I also share lots of other deals over on the Facebook page, so don’t forget to become a fan so you don’t miss out on any of the fun!
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