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All Custom Greeting Cards Just .99 from Cardstore, Today (9/1) Only!

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The Cardstore Labor Day Event is sure a nice one, as you’ll be able to score custom greeting cards for just .99 [2] when you apply the coupon code DDCCK4830 at check out!

Planning ahead for greeting cards can definitely save a lot throughout a year. I on the other hand did not do so well with this for our August birthdays…let’s just say I had serious sticker shock in the card aisle, as some of the cards were upwards of $3.99…yikes!

birthday-cards [3]Don’t forget that Grandparent’s Day is right around the corner on September 7th.

grandparents-day [4]Normally Cardstore’s custom greetig cards [2] sell for $3.49, so this some pretty sweet savings!