Here are your Albertsons deals that start on October 3rd and run through October 9th. Did you spot a deal that isn’t’ included below? Please leave a comment and let me know!
New to Bargain Blessings? Check-out our Grocery Store Deal Grading System [2]…and Welcome!
Petite Sirloin Steak, Boneless Buy One at $8.99/lb, Get Two Free
=$3/lb A
Boneless Pork Loin Chops Buy Two at $5.99/lb, Get Two Free
=$2/lb B
Large Cooked Shrimp 51/60ct $5.99/lb C
Extra Large Raw Shrimp 26/30ct $5.99/lb C
Snow Crab Clusters 8 Up $5.99 each B
Atlantic Salmon Fillet $5.99/lb C
Catfish Fillet $5.99/lb C
Whole Cooked Lobster 12-14oz $5.99 each D
Rockfish or Dover Sole $5.99/lb C
Navel Oranges .88/lb C-
Bartlett Pears .88/lb B
Broccoli Crowns .88/lb B-
Albertsons Butter, 1lb Quarters $1.99 B
Albertsons Gallon Milk $1.97 B
Doritos Tortilla Chips 10.5-11oz Buy One at $4.29, Get One Free
=$2.15 each C
Banquet Value Meals 4.66-10.25oz or Pot Pies 7oz, Hunt’s Pasta Sauce or Ketchup 24oz, Diced Tomatoes 14.5oz, Tomato Sauce 15oz, Snack Pack Pudding 4pk, Rosarita Refried Beans 16oz, Blue Bonnet Spread 1lb Quarters, Chef Boyardee Pasta 7.5-15oz, Ro-Tel Diced Tomatoes 10oz, David Sunflower Seeds 5.25oz, Van Camp’s Pork and Beans or Ranch Style Beans 15oz .83 each wyb 12 participating items
-.50/4 Chef Boyardee MQ (9/16 SS) or B3G1 Snack Pack MQ (9/13 SS)
=.75 each at best B
Albertsons Natural Spring Water 24pl, 16.9oz $2.99
Buy 8, Save $4 Mix and Match Sale
Sara Lee Bread 20oz $1.49 wyb 8 participating items B
Langers Juice 64oz .99 wyb 8 participating items A
Glaceau SmartWater 1 Liter, Gatorade 32oz, Propel 24oz .75 wyb 8 participating items B-
Glaceau Vitamin Water 20oz .50 wyb 8 participating items A
5 Hour Energy Singles 1.93oz $1.49 wyb 8 participating items B
Planter’s Peanut Butter 16.3oz $1.79 wyb 8 participating items B
Campbell’s Chunky Soup 18.6-19oz wyb 8 participating items $1.49
-.50/2 Campbell’s Coupon [3] or .50/3 MQ (9/23 SS)
=$1.24 each C+
Betty Crocker Super Moist Cake Mix 15.25oz or Frosting 12-16oz wyb 8 participating items .99 B
Zatarain’s Rice Mix5.7-8oz wyb 8 participating items .69
-.50/3 (8/26 RP)
=.52 each A
Downy or Gain Fabric Softener 64oz $2.99
-$1 MQ (9/30 PG) or (9/16 SS)
=$1.99 A-