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A Day in the Life of An Essential Oiler

Don’t have an Essential Oils kit yet? Head on over here to learn how to get started and how to get the most bang for your buck with a special deal just for Bargain Blessings readers [1]!


When I first started using Essential Oils my primary focus was using them for health challenges as they came up. Very quickly my skepticism melted away as we fell in love with each and every used we found for them.  The more I learned the more I realized that they could be used in so many incredible ways. That is when I decided to start being proactive about our health and wellness!

Since making this lifestyle shift the difference in my family’s overall health has been remarkable. 

A little over a year ago we realized that it was time to start making some changes in our household, so that’s what we did! Essential Oils are more than a hobby or a fad for our family – they are a lifeline that I thank God for every single day. So, now that you know my “why”, let me share with you my “how”. Have you ever wondered what the life of an essential oiler looks like? You hear me talk about these amazing little oils often, but how do I actually use them? Well, you’re about to find out! Welcome to my day…


7:00am Time to get up and get ready for the day! First stop: the sink to brush my teeth with my favorite Thieves Toothpaste: AromaBright. That is then followed by Thieves mouthwash…it’s strong, but well worth it for a healthy smile! Now some of you might be thinking – but Jennie, you once told me to never ever pay for toothpaste because we can get it free with coupons, and you’re right – you can! However, what I’ve come to learn over the past year is that not all toothpaste is created equal. I could write an entire post on that topic alone, but for now I’ll just recommend that you do some of your own research.


7:30am I love waking up a with a warm cup of lemon essential oil and honey tea along with some Bible and prayer time. Lemon Essential Oil consists of 68% dlimonene, so I love adding it to my tea to start my day off on a healthy path.


8:30am NingXia shot time!! When I first heard about NingXia I thought it sounded a little silly, but then I started to research it and I thought, alright, I’m going to give this a shot. I’m so glad I did because now I’d say it is one of the most integral parts in us staying healthy! Fun fact: 1oz of NingXia Red has the same 1 oz. of NingXia Red has the same amount of antioxidant levels as 34 large onions, 100 oranges, 814 blueberries, 22 medium carrots, 10.85 pounds of spinach, 55.33 pounds of almonds, 59 broccoli florets, 73 medium strawberries, 93 apples or 130 tomatoes! See…I told you it’s incredible! 


9:00am After catching up on a few emails and the day’s news it’s time to get a workout in and I couldn’t do it without this stuff: NingXia Nitro! It’s amazing!!! I’m going to tell you more about Nitro and why I love it in a few days, but for now I’ll just say that it gives me the motivation to workout harder and longer than I would have been able to otherwise. Have I mentioned that I started running 5K’s three times per week and have lost 8lbs during the past couple of months – woot woot! And that is not a small deal for me because I’ve never enjoyed running!


10:00am That was a great workout! Now it’s time to scrub-a-dub-dub! Now this kind-of goes hand in hand with my toothpaste comments…could I get soap and lotion for free using coupons? Yes. But I’ve decided that for me personally it isn’t worth it to be adding all of those endocrine disruptors into my day. Plus, I’ve always been a bit of a lotion snob and Young Living Lavender lotion is by far the best I’ve ever used! It is perfectly moisturizing without being too heavy and a tiny bit goes a long, long way!! I also love their Mint Satin Facial Scrub which is amazingly invigorating! I love the not-too-strong minty feeling it gives my face – perfect for the morning. It also lasts a long, long, long time – I’ve been using the same tube for months. 


11:00am Now it’s time to pull out the big guns! I have a lot of Essential Oils in my collection, but there are a few that I use daily to support my overall health. Here is how and why I use them:

Valor: Not only does Valor smell amazing, but it is also my go-to for a emotional stability. It is known by many as “confidence in a bottle” so anytime I’m feeling uneasy or worried Valor is one of the oils a reach for first. I apply Valor to my wrists multiple times per day.

Aroma Life: I use and love Aroma Life for circulatory system support. I apply it on my wrists, over my heart and on my feet morning, afternoon and night.

EndoFlex: I use EndoFlex in the morning and evening to support my endocrine system. I apply it topically. 

Transformation: I discovered this just a few months ago and it is now my absolute favorite! It has very similar properties to Valor but I love the smell even more! Whenever I’m needing an emotional boost, Transformation is my go-to.

Lemongrass: Lemongrass is my favorite for circulatory and lymphatic system support. I apply it to the bottoms of my feet each morning.

Thieves: Thieves, oh Thieves! There are so many good things to say about Thieves! Thieves oil helps to support healthy immune function. I wear it daily also on the bottoms of my feet.

Progessence Plus Serum: P+ is a pure, harmonizing serum that is designed specifically for women. Along with wild yam and vitamin E, Progessence Plus is formulated with Frankincense, Bergamot, and Peppermint essential oils.

Stress Away: The name says it all! I never go anywhere without Stress Away these days. I love to apply it to my wrists and behind my ears.

**I really wish that I could tell you more specifically why I use each of these oils, but unfortunately the FDA’s censorship of natural remedies including essential oils prevents me from doing so on my blog, so just know that if some of my “whys” above seem rather general – that is the reason. 😉 I’m so thankful for the incredible resources that my Young Living team has provided me with to find very specific protocols for very specific needs.


11:30am Lemon water! I drink this stuff all day long! As I’ve mentioned to you all many times in the past, I’ve always had a really hard time staying hydrated…it just isn’t my strong suit. Plain ole’ water just never seems to sit will in my stomach. Since I’ve started drinking lemon water this thankfully hasn’t been an issue – it’s so refreshing and super good for my body! There are a bunch of other citrus oils that are also fabulous in water!


12:30pm Lunch, check! Now it’s time for some serious work time. I love throwing lemon and peppermint in my diffuser for an added boost of focus and motivation! 


4:00pm Work is done – woohoo! Now it’s time to clean house! 🙂 I think by now we all know how yucky all of the chemicals found in cleaning products are for our health. I remember feeling so disgusted as I’d go room to room walking through a cloud of chemicals that I used to clean. The good news is that is now a concern of the past as I have Thieves Household Cleaning Concentrate!! I’m going to be talking a lot more about natural ways of cleaning your home next month, but let me just tell you for now that this stuff absolutely rocks! It has replaced every single cleaning product that I used to have under sink! Love, love, love it and love that I can now feel good about cleaning our home! Oh and did I mention that I’ve been using the same bottle of concentrate for EIGHT MONTHS?! Yes, for real! Talk about savings!


6:00pm An oily dinner? You betcha! I of course love using my oils to support our health and wellness throughout the day, but I also love using them in fun ways like making dinner taste amazing!! Last month Young Living had a special promotion that allowed me to get this new Taste of Italy oil for free! Woot woot! Tonight I’m going to use it to add some pazzazz to our spaghetti!


6:15pm Ummmmm, that is NOT how I was hoping that would turn out! I knew I should have tossed that pan a long time ago! Thank goodness I didn’t make the entire box of noodles! Reaching for my Stress Away oil…


9:00pm It has been a long day and it’s time to start winding down. Before I started using oils, I had a hard time getting my brain to shut off at night. It always seemed to be running on full steam going through mental lists and to-dos for the next day. Lavender is one of my favorite oils for helping that go-go-go feeling wind down for the evening. 


10:00pm It’s time for bed and with bed comes Peace & Calming! I knew this stuff was amazing from the first night I used it, but I never truly appreciated it as much as I should have until I ran out of it! Oh my word does it make for an incredible night’s sleep!


So there you have it! That is an average day in the footsteps of an Essential Oiler! Of course every day is a little different with it’s own joys and challenges and I’m so thankful to now have these amazing tools to help my body and mind take on whatever life throws our way!

And if you’re just getting started with essential oils, don’t be intimidated! We’ve added many different oily habits to our routine since we first started using them. I’ve loved learning about and experiencing all of their many benefits and continue to learn more every single day.  

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Don’t have an Essential Oils kit yet? What are you waiting for?! Even if you have to save your pennies for a month, or two or three – I promise you, it will be SO worth it! Head on over here [1] to learn how to get started and how to get the most bang for your buck with a special deal just for Bargain Blessings readers!