Here is another fabulous Bath & Body Works deal available today on their website! Right now they are running a big Buy 3, Get 3 Free Promotion on all of their Signature Collection Body Care products. The coupon code HOLIDAYGIFT will make one of the three items that you are purchasing FREE. Also, shipping is just $1 with any $25 order.
Stack all these promotions together and you’ll be able to pick up 6 full sized products for $26, just $4.33 each shipped! Here is what it will look like:
Buy (6) Signature Collection Body Care Products $12.50 each
-$37.59 for Buy 3, Save 3 Sale
-$12.50 with Coupon Code HOLIDAYGIFT
+$1 for Shipping ($1 shipping with a $25 order)
=$26 shipped (just $4.33 each)!

(Thanks Kristi!)
Leila says
Deal is dead 🙁 I tried it last night and it worked, but I was waiting until I got paid today and “HOLIDAYGIFT” makes one free, but you lose the buy 3, get 3
Megan says
I’ve been waiting for this sale! I love their shower gel but can’t justify $12.50/bottle. Thanks for posting!