I’m still plugging along with the 30 Day Shred. I did skip day 9, but I also played volleyball for three and a half hours, so that has to count for something! 😉
I am still working my way through level three and it gets easier every day! I’m even able to do a few guy push-ups now! I’ve decided that the reason I like level three the best is because it has more focus on core training which along with legs is currently my priority. I’m considering buying Jillian’s 6 Week Six-Pack. I’m not entirely sure that I will ever be able to have a six-pack, but working towards it would be interesting! 😉
The diet piece of the 30 day Shred continues to be my week spot. I’m sure that some of you can relate that when you’ve got your body used to eating sweets…you crave them all the time and it makes them hard to resist. I will say that I have found that drinking a lot of water helps a lot with this, so I’m going to focus on that a lot more for the next week. I also plan to make my homemade energy bars when I get some time and will be sure to share the receipe with you.
So….how is everything going for you all? Noticing any changes? More energy? Less flab? More endurance?
Holli says
I can totally see my endurance increasing and I have some pajamas that were a little tighter before Christmas. Yay! I have a LOT more energy. Got 4 hours of sleep with a cranky baby last night and surivied the day without chewing ANYONE out! Yay me!
Rebecca says
Struggling with eating and stress emotional eating. Blahhh!
Tanya says
I’ve decided to not Shred on the weekends because I am looking for long term habits that I can create and I don’t think I’d be able to sustain that. However, I did shred today and my legs were still recovering from last Friday/week! My endurance is going up as well.
My diet is better than it was, but could still use some improvements! 🙂